%0期刊文章%@ 2564-1891 %I JMIR出版物%V 2% 卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析N 2% P e38749 %T社交媒体上直接面向消费者的基因检测:YouTube用户评论的主题建模与情感分析%A Toussaint,Philipp A %A Renner,Maximilian %A Lins,Sebastian %A Thiebes,Scott %A Sunyaev,Ali %+卡尔斯鲁厄理工学院经济与管理系,Kaiserstr. 89,卡尔斯鲁厄,76133,德国,49 72160846037,sunyaev@kit.edu %K直接面向消费者基因检测%K健康信息%K社交媒体%K YouTube %K情感分析%K主题建模%K内容分析%K在线健康信息%K用户话语%K信息病学%D 2022 %7 15.9.2022 %9原创论文%J JMIR信息病学%G英文%X随着直接面向消费者(DTC)基因检测能够自我负责地获取有关祖先、特征或健康的新信息,消费者经常转向社交媒体寻求帮助和讨论。YouTube是最大的视频社交媒体平台,提供了大量与DTC基因检测相关的视频。然而,这些视频评论部分的用户话语在很大程度上是未被探索的。目的:本研究旨在通过探讨YouTube上DTC基因检测相关视频的讨论主题和用户对这些视频的态度,解决用户在评论区对用户话语的了解不足的问题。方法:我们采用三步研究方法。首先,我们收集了YouTube上观看次数最多的248个DTC基因检测相关视频的元数据和评论。其次,我们使用词频分析、bigram分析和结构主题建模进行主题建模,以确定这些视频评论区讨论的主题。 Finally, we employed Bing (binary), National Research Council Canada (NRC) emotion, and 9-level sentiment analysis to identify users' attitudes toward these DTC genetic testing–related videos, as expressed in their comments. Results: We collected 84,082 comments from the 248 most viewed DTC genetic testing–related YouTube videos. With topic modeling, we identified 6 prevailing topics on (1) general genetic testing, (2) ancestry testing, (3) relationship testing, (4) health and trait testing, (5) ethical concerns, and (6) YouTube video reaction. Further, our sentiment analysis indicates strong positive emotions (anticipation, joy, surprise, and trust) and a neutral-to-positive attitude toward DTC genetic testing–related videos. Conclusions: With this study, we demonstrate how to identify users' attitudes on DTC genetic testing by examining topics and opinions based on YouTube video comments. Shedding light on user discourse on social media, our findings suggest that users are highly interested in DTC genetic testing and related social media content. Nonetheless, with this novel market constantly evolving, service providers, content providers, or regulatory authorities may still need to adapt their services to users' interests and desires. %R 10.2196/38749 %U https://infodemiology.www.mybigtv.com/2022/2/e38749 %U https://doi.org/10.2196/38749