%0杂志文章%@ 2564-1891 %I JMIR出版物%V 2% 卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析N 2% P e38573% T营养和COVID-19信息大流行中营养师和Twitter用户的信息共享行为:推文内容分析研究%A Charbonneau,Esther %A Mellouli,Sehl %A Chouikh,Arbi %A Couture,Laurie-Jane %A Desroches,Sophie +营养中心,Santé et Société,营养和功能食品研究所,Université Laval, Pavillon des services, 2440 Hochelaga Blvd,魁北克市,QC, G1V 0A6,加拿大,1 418 656 2131 ext 405564,sophie.desroches@fsaa.ulaval.ca %K营养%K COVID-19 %K营养师%K推特%K公众%K主题%K行为%K内容准确性%K用户参与度%K内容分析%K错误信息%K虚假信息%K信息流行%D 2022 %7 16.9.2022 %9原创论文%J JMIR信息流行%G英语%X背景:COVID-19大流行产生了信息流行,线上和线下信息过剩。在这种情况下,自大流行爆发以来,关于营养与COVID-19之间联系的准确信息以及错误信息和不实信息在推特上传播。目的:本研究的目的是比较预先确定的营养师组和Twitter普通用户组在新冠肺炎期间发布的关于营养的推文的主题、内容准确性、行为改变因子的使用和用户参与度,以对比他们在大流行期间的信息共享行为。方法:使用与营养和COVID-19相关的标签和关键词收集了来自加拿大和美国的625名营养师在2019年12月31日至2020年12月31日期间发布的公开英语推文,以及推特用户。过滤后,推文根据原始主题代码本和理论领域框架(TDF)进行编码,以确定行为改变因素,并与与COVID-19有关的可靠营养建议进行比较。每条推文的点赞数、回复数和转发数也被收集起来,以确定用户粘性。结果:总共2886条推文(营养师,n=1417;公众,n=1469)被纳入分析。 Differences in frequency between groups were found in 11 out of 15 themes. Grocery (271/1417, 19.1%), and diets and dietary patterns (n=507, 34.5%) were the most frequently addressed themes by dietitians and the public, respectively. For 9 out of 14 TDF domains, there were differences in the frequency of usage between groups. “Skills” was the most used domain by both groups, although they used it in different proportions (dietitians: 612/1417, 43.2% vs public: 529/1469, 36.0%; P<.001). A higher proportion of dietitians’ tweets were accurate compared with the public’s tweets (532/575, 92.5% vs 250/382, 65.5%; P<.001). The results for user engagement were mixed. While engagement by likes varied between groups according to the theme, engagement by replies and retweets was similar across themes but varied according to the group. Conclusions: Differences in tweets between groups, notably ones related to content accuracy, themes, and engagement in the form of likes, shed light on potentially useful and relevant elements to include in timely social media interventions aiming at fighting the COVID-19–related infodemic or future infodemics. %M 36188421 %R 10.2196/38573 %U https://infodemiology.www.mybigtv.com/2022/2/e38573 %U https://doi.org/10.2196/38573 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/36188421