%0期刊文章%@ 2564-1891 %I JMIR出版物%V 2% 卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析N 2% P e38316% T调查抖音上的COVID-19疫苗传播和错误信息:横断面研究%A van Kampen,Katherine %A Laski,Jeremi %A Herman,Gabrielle %A Chan,Teresa M %+麦克马斯特大学健康科学系医学系急诊医学部,100 Main St W, 5003室,汉密尔顿,ON, L8P 1H6,加拿大,1 905 525 9140,teresa.chan@medportal.ca %K TikTok %K COVID-19疫苗%K疫苗接种%K错误信息%K COVID-19 %K信息流行病学%K社交媒体%K健康信息%K内容分析%K疫苗犹豫%K公共卫生%K网络健康信息%D 2022 %7 25.10.2022 %9原始论文%J JMIR信息流行病学%G英语%X背景:COVID-19大流行突出了对可靠信息的需求,特别是关于疫苗的信息。疫苗犹豫是一个日益令人担忧的问题,也是对更广泛的公共卫生的巨大威胁。社交媒体在我们日常生活中的普遍存在,强调了准确分析健康信息如何传播给公众的重要性。抖音尤其令人感兴趣,因为它是一个新兴的社交媒体平台,年轻人可能越来越多地使用它来获取健康信息。目的:本研究的目的是检查和描述带有#covid疫苗标签的前100个tiktok趋势中的内容。方法:在2021年7月1日批量下载了带有#covid疫苗标签的250个观看次数最多的抖音,以及它们各自的元数据。每个TikTok随后由两名独立评审员查看和编码。编码一直持续到可以根据语言和内容包括100个tiktok。 Descriptive features were recorded including health care professional (HCP) status of creator, verification of HCP status, genre, and misinformation addressed. Primary inclusion criteria were any TikToks in English with discussion of a COVID-19 vaccine. Results: Of 102 videos included, the median number of plays was 1,700,000, with median shares of 9224 and 62,200 followers. Upon analysis, 14.7% (15/102) of TikToks included HCPs, of which 80% (12/102) could be verified via social media or regulatory body search; 100% (15/15) of HCP-created TikToks supported vaccine use, and overall, 81.3% (83/102) of all TikToks (created by either a layperson or an HCP) supported vaccine use. Conclusions: As the pandemic continues, vaccine hesitancy poses a threat to lifting restrictions, and discovering reasons for this hesitancy is important to public health measures. This study summarizes the discourse around vaccine use on TikTok. Importantly, it opens a frank discussion about the necessity to incorporate new social media platforms into medical education, so we might ensure our trainees are ready to engage with patients on novel platforms. %R 10.2196/38316 %U https://infodemiology.www.mybigtv.com/2022/2/e38316 %U https://doi.org/10.2196/38316