%0期刊文章%@ 2564-1891 %I JMIR出版物%V 2% 卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析N 2% P e36210% T向母亲宣传社交距离和COVID-19疫苗接种意向:社交媒体信息中信息源的随机比较%A Buller,David %A Walkosz,Barbara %A Henry,Kimberly %A Woodall,W Gill %A Pagoto,Sherry %A Berteletti,Julia %A Kinsey,Alishia %A Divito,Joseph %A Baker,Katie %A Hillhouse,Joel %+ Klein Buendel, Inc, 1667 Cole Blvd, st 220, Golden, CO, 80401,美国,1 303 565 4321,dbuller@kleinbuendel.com %K社交媒体%K COVID-19 %K疫苗接种%K非药物干预%K信息源%K错误信息%K疫苗%K公共卫生%K COVID-19预防%K健康促进%D 2022 %7 23.8.2022 %9原始论文%J JMIR信息流行病学%G英语%X背景:社交媒体在COVID-19大流行期间传播信息和传播错误信息,影响了预防措施,包括社交距离和疫苗接受。目的:在本研究中,我们旨在测试一系列宣传COVID-19非药物干预措施(npi)和疫苗意图的社交媒体帖子的效果,并比较3种常见信息来源(政府机构、近同龄人父母和新闻媒体)的效果。方法:在2021年1月至3月期间,从先前试验中招募的未成年女儿的母亲样本(N=303)被纳入3(信息源)× 4(评估期)随机析因试验,以评估信息源在解决NPIs(即社交距离)、COVID-19疫苗接种、媒体素养和关于COVID-19的母女沟通的社交媒体活动中的影响。周一至周五,母亲们会在随机分配的3个Facebook私人群组中每天收到1个社交媒体帖子,每周涵盖所有4个主题,另外还有1个关于积极的非大流行主题的帖子,以促进参与。这三个组的帖子内容相同,但不同之处在于链接的信息来自政府机构、接近同龄人的父母或新闻媒体。在基线和随机化后3周、6周和9周评估中,母亲们报告了自己和女儿的社交距离行为和COVID-19疫苗接种意愿、理论介质和协变量。每条帖子的浏览量、反应和评论都被计算在内,以衡量用户对这些消息的参与度。结果:几乎所有的母亲(n=298, 98.3%)在9周的试验期间都留在Facebook私人小组中,并且随访率很高(n=276, 91.1%,完成了3周的后测试; n=273, 90.1%, completed the 6-week posttest; n=275, 90.8%, completed the 9-week posttest; and n=244, 80.5%, completed all assessments). In intent-to-treat analyses, social distancing behavior by mothers (b=–0.10, 95% CI –0.12 to –0.08, P<.001) and daughters (b=–0.10, 95% CI –0.18 to –0.03, P<.001) decreased over time but vaccine intentions increased (mothers: b=0.34, 95% CI 0.19-0.49, P<.001; daughters: b=0.17, 95% CI 0.04-0.29, P=.01). Decrease in social distancing by daughters was greater in the near-peer source group (b=–0.04, 95% CI –0.07 to 0.00, P=.03) and lesser in the government agency group (b=0.05, 95% CI 0.02-0.09, P=.003). The higher perceived credibility of the assigned information source increased social distancing (mothers: b=0.29, 95% CI 0.09-0.49, P<.01; daughters: b=0.31, 95% CI 0.11-0.51, P<.01) and vaccine intentions (mothers: b=4.18, 95% CI 1.83-6.53, P<.001; daughters: b=3.36, 95% CI 1.67-5.04, P<.001). Mothers’ intentions to vaccinate self may have increased when they considered the near-peer source to be not credible (b=–0.50, 95% CI –0.99 to –0.01, P=.05). Conclusions: Decreasing case counts, relaxation of government restrictions, and vaccine distribution during the study may explain the decreased social distancing and increased vaccine intentions. When promoting COVID-19 prevention, campaign planners may be more effective when selecting information sources that audiences consider credible, as no source was more credible in general. Trial Registration: ClinicalTrials.gov NCT02835807; https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT02835807 %M 36039372 %R 10.2196/36210 %U https://infodemiology.www.mybigtv.com/2022/2/e36210 %U https://doi.org/10.2196/36210 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/36039372