%0期刊文章%@ 2564-1891 %I JMIR出版物%V 2% 卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析N 1% P e32372% T在COVID-19时代,立法者在Twitter上讨论疫苗接种的党派分歧:自然语言处理分析%A恩格尔-瑞比泽,Eden %A Stokes,Daniel C %A Meisel,Zachary F %A Purtle,Jonathan %A Doyle,Rebecca %A Buttenheim,Alison M %+宾夕法尼亚大学护理学院,费城居里大道418号,宾夕法尼亚州,19104,美国,1 (215)898 8281,abutt@nursing.upenn.edu %K社交媒体%K推特%K疫苗接种%K党派偏见%K COVID-19 %K疫苗%K自然语言处理%K NLP %K犹豫%K政治化%K沟通%K语言%K模式%D 2022 %7 18.2.2022 %9原始论文%J JMIR信息流行病学%G英语%X背景:COVID-19时代的特点是健康相关话题的政治化。鉴于有证据表明,疫苗接种的政治化讨论可能导致疫苗犹豫,这一点尤其令人担忧。然而,没有研究考察了COVID-19时代立法者与公众就疫苗接种进行沟通的内容和政治化。目的:本研究的目的是研究州和联邦立法者在COVID-19时代发布的疫苗相关推文,以(1)描述疫苗相关推文的内容;(2)研究民主党人和共和党人在疫苗相关推文内容上的差异;(3)量化(并描述随时间变化的趋势)疫苗相关传播的党派差异。方法:我们提取了2020年2月1日至2020年12月11日期间州和联邦立法者发布的所有与疫苗相关的推文。我们使用潜在狄利克雷分配来定义推文主题,并使用描述性统计来描述政党在主题使用方面的差异以及随着时间的推移政治极化的变化。 Results: We included 14,519 tweets generated by 1463 state legislators and 521 federal legislators. Republicans were more likely to use words (eg, “record time,” “launched,” and “innovation”) and topics (eg, Operation Warp Speed success) that were focused on the successful development of a SARS-CoV-2 vaccine. Democrats used a broader range of words (eg, “anti-vaxxers,” “flu,” and “free”) and topics (eg, vaccine prioritization, influenza, and antivaxxers) that were more aligned with public health messaging related to the vaccine. Polarization increased over most of the study period. Conclusions: Republican and Democratic legislators used different language in their Twitter conversations about vaccination during the COVID-19 era, leading to increased political polarization of vaccine-related tweets. These communication patterns have the potential to contribute to vaccine hesitancy. %M 35229075 %R 10.2196/32372 %U https://infodemiology.www.mybigtv.com/2022/1/e32372 %U https://doi.org/10.2196/32372 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/35229075