新冠肺炎信息来源与妊娠期健康行为:卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析产前应用程序嵌入式调查结果% a Bohnhoff,James % a Davis,Alexander % a Bruine de Bruin,Wändi % a Krishnamurti,Tamar %+匹兹堡大学医学院内科总科,200 Meyran Ave, Suite 200, Pittsburgh, PA, 15213, usa, 1412 692 4855,tamark@pitt.edu %K COVID-19 %K健康行为%K健康行为%K妊娠%K产科%K围产期%K预防%K预防%K mHealth %K风险%K信息源%K医学素养%K媒体素养%K信息素养%K保护%K保护%K危害%K妇女%K参与%K在线健康信息%K行为%K信息寻求%K关键评价%K沟通%D 2021 %7 7.12.2021 %9原文%J JMIR信息流行病学%G英语%X妊娠期是COVID-19风险增加的时期。怀孕个体在怀孕期间选择特定的保护性健康行为可能受到信息来源的影响。目的:研究某大型学术医疗系统孕妇COVID-19信息来源与参与保护性健康行为的关系。方法:孕妇填写基于app的COVID-19信息来源和保护性健康行为参与情况调查问卷。这份自愿问卷是在2020年4月21日至11月27日期间通过妊娠应用程序向患者提供的,作为其常规产前护理的一部分。结果:总共有637名孕妇应答者常规访问了5个中位数的COVID-19信息来源。被引用最多的来源(79%)是美国疾病控制与预防中心(CDC)。 Self-reporting evidence-based protective actions was relatively common, although 14% self-reported potentially harmful behaviors to avoid COVID-19 infection. The CDC and other sources were positively associated with engaging in protective behaviors while others (eg, US president Donald Trump) were negatively associated with protective behaviors. Participation in protective behaviors was not associated with refraining from potentially harmful behaviors (P=.93). Moreover, participation in protective behaviors decreased (P=.03) and participation in potentially harmful actions increased (P=.001) over the course of the pandemic. Conclusions: Pregnant patients were highly engaged in COVID-19–related information-seeking and health behaviors. Clear, targeted, and regular communication from commonly accessed health organizations about which actions may be harmful, in addition to which actions offer protection, may offer needed support to the pregnant population. %M 34926994 %R 10.2196/31774 %U https://infodemiology.www.mybigtv.com/2021/1/e31774 %U https://doi.org/10.2196/31774 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/34926994