@文章{info:doi/10.2196/35702,作者="Liu, Yongtai and Yin, Zhijun and Wan, Zhiyu and Yan, Chao and Xia, Weiyi and Ni, Congning and Clayton, Ellen Wright and Vorobeychik, Yevgeniy and Kantarcioglu, Murat and Malin, Bradley A",标题=" Reddit用户在讨论直接面向消费者的基因检测结果时,将注意力优先于隐私并暴露自己的脸的隐含动机:,期刊=“JMIR信息流行病学”,年=“2022”,月=“8”,日=“3”,卷=“2”,数=“2”,页=“e35702”,关键词=“直接面向消费者的基因检测;主题建模;背景:随着直接面向消费者的基因检测服务越来越受欢迎,公众越来越依赖在线论坛来讨论和分享他们的检测结果。最初,用户是匿名的,但最近,他们在讨论搜索结果时加入了人脸图像。多项研究表明,在社交媒体上分享图片往往会得到更多的回复。然而,这样做的用户放弃了他们的隐私。当这些图像真实地代表用户时,它们就有可能泄露该用户的身份。目的:本研究调查在线环境中直接面向消费者的基因检测用户的人脸图像共享行为,以确定人脸图像共享与其他用户收到的关注之间是否存在关联。方法:这项研究集中在r/23andme上,这是reddit上一个致力于讨论直接面向消费者的基因检测结果及其影响的子版块。 We applied natural language processing to infer the themes associated with posts that included a face image. We applied a regression analysis to characterize the association between the attention that a post received, in terms of the number of comments, the karma score (defined as the number of upvotes minus the number of downvotes), and whether the post contained a face image. Results: We collected over 15,000 posts from the r/23andme subreddit, published between 2012 and 2020. Face image posting began in late 2019 and grew rapidly, with over 800 individuals revealing their faces by early 2020. The topics in posts including a face were primarily about sharing, discussing ancestry composition, or sharing family reunion photos with relatives discovered via direct-to-consumer genetic testing. On average, posts including a face image received 60{\%} (5/8) more comments and had karma scores 2.4 times higher than other posts. Conclusions: Direct-to-consumer genetic testing consumers in the r/23andme subreddit are increasingly posting face images and testing reports on social platforms. The association between face image posting and a greater level of attention suggests that people are forgoing their privacy in exchange for attention from others. To mitigate this risk, platform organizers and moderators could inform users about the risk of posting face images in a direct, explicit manner to make it clear that their privacy may be compromised if personal images are shared. ", issn="2564-1891", doi="10.2196/35702", url="https://infodemiology.www.mybigtv.com/2022/2/e35702", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/35702" }