@文章{信息:doi/10.2196/31671,作者="Kahanek, Alexander and Yu, Xinchen and Hong, Lingzi and Cleveland, Ana and Philbrick, Jodi",标题="美国公众对COVID-19情绪的时空变化和空间差异:推文的信息流行病学研究",期刊="JMIR信息流行病学",年="2021",月=" 12月",日="30",卷="1",数="1",页数="e31671",关键词="COVID-19;预防措施;时间变化;空间差异;推特;公众的情绪;背景:在COVID-19大流行期间,美国公共卫生当局以及县、州和联邦政府建议或下令采取某些预防措施,如佩戴口罩,以减少疾病的传播。然而,个人对这些预防措施有不同的反应。目的:本研究旨在从时间和空间的角度了解公众对新冠肺炎疫情的情绪变化和建议或命令的预防措施,以及公众情绪的变化与地理和社会经济因素的关系。方法:作者利用机器学习方法调查了2020年1月21日至6月12日期间与COVID-19相关的推文中的公众情绪极性。 The study measured the temporal variations and spatial disparities in public sentiment toward both general COVID-19 topics and preventive practices in the United States. Results: In the temporal analysis, we found a 4-stage pattern from high negative sentiment in the initial stage to decreasing and low negative sentiment in the second and third stages, to the rebound and increase in negative sentiment in the last stage. We also identified that public sentiment to preventive practices was significantly different in urban and rural areas, while poverty rate and unemployment rate were positively associated with negative sentiment to COVID-19 issues. Conclusions: The differences between public sentiment toward COVID-19 and the preventive practices imply that actions need to be taken to manage the initial and rebound stages in future pandemics. The urban and rural differences should be considered in terms of the communication strategies and decision making during a pandemic. This research also presents a framework to investigate time-sensitive public sentiment at the county and state levels, which could guide local and state governments and regional communities in making decisions and developing policies in crises. ", issn="2564-1891", doi="10.2196/31671", url="https://infodemiology.www.mybigtv.com/2021/1/e31671", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/31671" }