I JMIR出版物在沙特阿拉伯的门诊配药和药物管理过程中引入机器人:卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析药房主导的多学科六西格玛绩效改进项目的回顾性回顾,Al Nemari,Manal Waterson,James +药物管理解决方案,医疗事务,Becton Dickinson,蓝湾大厦11F,商业湾,迪拜,52279,阿拉伯联合酋长国,971 0566035154,james.waterson@bd.com %K库存浪费%K错误标签事件%K不显示退货%K库存水平%K员工教育%K任务重新调整%K门诊%K 6sigma %K药物管理%K药物坚持%K风险%K药房%K医疗保健专业%K配药%K机器人%K自动化%K药物%K库存%D 2022 %7 11.10.2022 %9原始论文%J JMIR Hum因素%G英语%X背景:门诊药房管理的目标是提高患者安全,提高服务质量,降低成本。六西格玛方法通过消除可变性来提高质量,目标是实现一个几乎无错误的过程。药房任务的自动化可能提供更高的效率和安全性。目的:目的是衡量自动化集成对门诊药房服务、安全和效率、员工重新分配和重新定位以及工作流程的影响。需要解决的六西格玛问题定义如下:当前的门诊配药系统在等待时间和与药学专业人员的接触时间方面否定了患者的质量,在药物错误标签和处方不完整的配药方面给患者带来了风险,并且在时间和资源方面存在潜在浪费。方法:我们描述了在一所大学医院的大型门诊药房引入自动化的过程。之所以使用六西格玛方法,是因为它注重持续改进,也产生了一个将跟踪和监控集成到其过程中的路线图。 A review of activity in the outpatient department focused on non-value-added (NVA) pharmacist tasks, improving the patient experience and patient safety. Metrics to measure the impact of change were established, and a process map analysis with turnaround times (TATs) for each stage of service was created. Discrete events were selected for correction, improvement, or mitigation. From the review, the team selected key outcome metrics, including storage, picking and delivery dispensing rates, patient and prescription load per day, average packs and lines per prescription, and lines held. Our goal was total automation of stock management. We deployed 2 robotic dispensing units to feed 9 dispensing desks. The automated units were integrated with hospital information technology (HIT) that supports appointments, medication records, and prescriptions. Results: Postautomation, the total patient time in the department, including the time interacting with the pharmacist for medication education and counseling, dropped from 17.093 to 11.812 digital minutes, with an appreciable increase in patient-pharmacist time. The percentage of incomplete prescriptions dispensed versus orders decreased from 3.0% to 1.83%. The dispensing error rate dropped from 1.00% to 0.24%. Assessed via a “basket” of medications, wastage cost was reduced by 83.9%. During implementation, it was found that NVA tasks that were replaced by automated processes were responsible for an extensive loss of pharmacist time. The productivity ratio postautomation was 1.26. Conclusions: The Six Sigma methodology allowed for rapid transformation of the medication management process. The risk priority numbers (RPNs) for the “wrong patient-wrong medication error” reduced by a ratio of 5.25:1 and for “patient leaves unit with inadequate counseling” postautomation by 2.5:1. Automation allowed for ring-fencing of patient-pharmacist time. This time needs to be structured for optimal effectiveness. %M 36222805 %R 10.2196/37905 %U https://humanfactors.www.mybigtv.com/2022/4/e37905 %U https://doi.org/10.2196/37905 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/36222805