杂志文章%@ 2292-9495 %I JMIR出版物%V 9 %N 卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析3 %P e在学术内科实践中美国移民患者的远程健康认知:横断面研究%A Levine,Susan %A Gupta,Richa %A Alkwatli,Kenda %A Almoushref,Allaa %A Cherian,Saira %A Jimenez,Dominique Feterman %A Cordero Baez,Greishka Nicole %A Hart,Angela %A Weinstock,Clara %+康涅狄格大学健康,康涅狄格大学,263法明顿Ave, MC 8021,康涅狄格州法明顿,06030,美国,1 860 679 1781,slevine@uchc.edu %K远程医疗%K移民患者%K移民%K少数民族%K文化少数民族%K患者满意度%K远程医疗%K满意度%K卫生保健%K卫生公平%K数字卫生%K患者体验%D 2022 %7 10.8.2022 %9原始论文%J JMIR Hum因素%G英语%X背景:远程医疗的使用在COVID-19大流行期间急剧增加。虽然有数据显示患者对远程医疗的满意度,但对移民患者的经历却知之甚少。目的:我们试图调查与移民和非移民之间的面对面访问相比,远程医疗患者的经验。我们希望在康涅狄格法明顿大学内科实践中确定和描述下次就诊偏好,以最终指导更公平的使用和访问选项的可及性建议。方法:共270例患者,包括122名移民和148名非移民,由4名内科医生在现场(n=132)或远程医疗(n=138)大学实践设置。在2021年2月至4月期间,使用了一份改编自之前验证过的患者满意度调查对患者进行了询问,该调查包含了由医疗保健提供商和系统消费者评估项目开发的标准问题。通过亲自拜访的患者完成了一份纸质的调查。同样的调查是通过远程医疗随访电话进行的。 Patients surveyed spoke English, Spanish, or Arabic and were surveyed in their preferred language. For televisits, the same survey was read to the patient by a certified translator. The survey consisted of 10 questions on a Likert scale of 1-5. Of them, 9 questions assessed patient satisfaction under the categories of access to care, interpersonal interaction, and quality of care. An additional question asked patients to describe and explain the reasons behind next visit preferences. Survey question responses were compared by paired t tests. Results: Across both immigrant and nonimmigrant patient populations, satisfaction with perceived quality of care was high, regardless of visit type (P=.80, P=.60 for televisits and P=.76, P=.37 for in-person visits). During televisits, immigrants were more likely to feel providers spent sufficient time with them (P<.001). Different perceptions were noted among nonimmigrant patients. Nonimmigrants tended to perceive more provider time during in-person visits (P=.006). When asked to comment on reasons behind next televisit preference, nonimmigrant patients prioritized convenience, whereas immigrants noted not having to navigate office logistics. For those who chose in-person visits, both groups prioritized the need for a physical exam. Conclusions: Although satisfaction was high for both telemedicine and in-person visits across immigrant and nonimmigrant populations, significant differences in patient priorities were identified. Immigrants found televisits desirable because they felt they spent more time with providers and were able to avoid additional office logistics that are often challenging barriers for non-English speakers. This suggests opportunities to use information technology to provide cultural and language-appropriate information throughout immigrants’ in-person and telemedicine visit experience. A focus on diminishing these barriers will help reduce health care inequities among immigrant patients. %M 35947438 %R 10.2196/36069 %U https://humanfactors.www.mybigtv.com/2022/3/e36069 %U https://doi.org/10.2196/36069 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/35947438