%0期刊文章%@ 2292- 9495% I JMIR出版物%V 9%卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析 N 2% P e33951% T使用人机信任量表在COVID-19接触追踪应用程序中建模信任:在线调查研究%A Sousa,Sonia %A Kalju,Tiina %+塔林大学数字技术学院,Narva mnt, 29,塔林,10120,爱沙尼亚,372 53921116,scs@tlu.ee %K人机交互%K covid -19 %K人为因素%K可信AI %K接触追踪%K应用程序%K安全%K信任%K人工智能%K爱沙尼亚%K案例研究%K监测%K监视%K视角%K意识%K设计%K covid %K移动应用程序%K mHealth %K移动健康%D 2022 %7 13.6.2022 %9原始论文%J JMIR Hum因素%G英语%X背景:covid -19大流行在社会和经济方面引起了全球技术使用的变化。这场大流行危机带来了接触追踪应用程序(cta)等额外措施,以帮助抗击病毒的传播。不幸的是,这些应用的低采用率影响了它们的成功。低采用率可能有很多原因,包括对安全和隐私的担忧,以及对cta的信任问题。一些担忧涉及到cta如何用作监视工具或其对隐私的潜在威胁,因为它们涉及健康数据。例如,在爱沙尼亚,名为HOIA的CTA在2021年1月中旬的下载量约为25万次。然而,在2021年,只有4.7%的人口使用HOIA作为COVID-19的CTA。低采用率的原因包括缺乏能力,以及隐私和安全问题。 This lower adoption and the lack of trustworthiness persist despite efforts of the European Union in building ethics and trustworthy artificial intelligence (AI)-based apps. Objective: The aim of this study was to understand how to measure trust in health technologies. Specifically, we assessed the usefulness of the Human-Computer Trust Scale (HCTS) to measure Estonians’ trust in the HOIA app and the causes for this lack of trust. Methods: The main research question was: Can the HCTS be used to assess citizens’ perception of trust in health technologies? We established four hypotheses that were tested with a survey. We used a convenience sample for data collection, including sharing the questionnaire on social network sites and using the snowball method to reach all potential HOIA users in the Estonian population. Results: Among the 78 respondents, 61 had downloaded the HOIA app with data on usage patterns. However, 20 of those who downloaded the app admitted that it was never opened despite most claiming to regularly use mobile apps. The main reasons included not understanding how it works, and privacy and security concerns. Significant correlations were found between participants’ trust in CTAs in general and their perceived trust in the HOIA app regarding three attributes: competency (P<.001), risk perception (P<.001), and reciprocity (P=.01). Conclusions: This study shows that trust in the HOIA app among Estonian residents did affect their predisposition to use the app. Participants did not generally believe that HOIA could help to control the spread of the virus. The result of this work is limited to HOIA and health apps that use similar contact-tracing methods. However, the findings can contribute to gaining a broader understanding and awareness of the need for designing trustworthy technologies. Moreover, this work can help to provide design recommendations that ensure trustworthiness in CTAs, and the ability of AI to use highly sensitive data and serve society. %M 35699973 %R 10.2196/33951 %U https://humanfactors.www.mybigtv.com/2022/2/e33951 %U https://doi.org/10.2196/33951 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/35699973