%0期刊文章%@ 2292-9495 %I Gunther Eysenbach %V 3% N 1% P e 12% T在循环中:以患者为中心的临床协作系统中基于团队的沟通组织Kurahashi,Allison M . a Weinstein,Peter Jamieson,Trevor Stinson,Jennifer Cafazzo,Joseph Lokuge,Bhadra Morita,Plinio P . a Cohen,Eyal Rapoport,Adam Bezjak,Andrea Husain,Amna + Temmy Latner缓和医疗中心,西奈山医院,4楼,Murray街60号13号箱,加拿大安大略省多伦多,1 416 586 4800 ext 7884,amna.husain@utoronto.ca %K协同护理%K以患者为中心的护理%K患者参与%K慢性疾病%K通信%K互联网通信工具%K互联网通信技术%D 2016 %7 24.03.2016 %9原始论文%J JMIR人为因素%G英语%X背景:我们描述了一种用于协同护理的安全的基于web的系统的开发和评估,称为Loop。Loop将护理团队与患者组合在一个安全的空间中,作为团队的不可分割的成员。目的:本文的目的是在每个患者的安全空间内为卫生保健提供者(HCPs)提供单独视图的迭代设计,并检查患者、护理人员和HCPs对仅供hcp沟通的单独视图的观点。方法:整个研究项目包括民族志、原型设计、可用性测试和试点测试。本文描述了直接影响开发的可用性测试阶段。描述性定性方法用于分析可用性测试期间出现的参与者观点。结果:在可用性测试中,我们从三个用户组中抽取了89名参与者:23名患者,19名护理人员和47名HCPs。来自三个用户组的几乎所有透视图都支持对仅hcp通信视图的需求。 In an earlier prototype, the visual presentation caused confusion among HCPs when reading and composing messages about whether a message was visible to the patient. Usability testing guided us to design a more deliberate distinction between posting in the Patient and Team view and the Health Care Provider Only view at the time of composing a message, which once posted is distinguished by an icon. Conclusions: The team made a decision to incorporate an HCP-only communication view based on findings during earlier phases of work. During usability testing we tested the separate communication views, and all groups supported this partition. We spent considerable effort designing the partition; however, preliminary findings from the next phase of evaluation, pilot testing, show that the Patient and Team communication is predominantly being used. This demonstrates the importance of a subsequent phase of the clinical trial of Loop to validate the concept and design. %M 27025912 %R 10.2196/humanfactors.4996 %U http://humanfactors.www.mybigtv.com/2016/1/e12/ %U https://doi.org/10.2196/humanfactors.4996 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/27025912