@文章{信息:doi/10.2196/41143,作者=“Fischer-Su{\'a}rez, Natalia和Lozano-Paniagua, David和Garc{\'i}a- duarte, Sonia和Castro-Luna, Gracia和Parr{\'o}n- carre {\ \' n} o, Tesif{\'o}n和Nievas-Soriano, Bruno Jos{\'e}”,标题=“使用QR码作为一种电子健康形式促进流行病中妇女的健康:截面研究”,期刊=“JMIR Hum Factors”,年=“2022”,月=“11”,日=“8”,卷=“9”,数=“4”,页=“e41143”,关键词=“eHealth;二维码;女性;健康促进;公共卫生;医疗行业;女性健康;妇科;妇科医生;妇科; obstetrician; obstetric; healthcare; health care; pandemic; questionnaire; validation; validate; development; cross sectional; factorial analysis", abstract="Background: QR codes have played an integral role during the pandemic in many sectors, but their use has been limited in the health care sector, especially by patients. Although some authors have stated that developing specific content for women on how to cope with health problems could be an effective way to prevent problems, especially during pandemics, there is little research regarding the use of QR codes to promote health during a pandemic, and even fewer studies are focused on women. Moreover, although the importance of assessing these interventions from the users' perspective has been stated, research carried out from this point of view is still scarce. Objective: This study aimed to assess the usefulness of using QR codes with information to promote women's health in the context of a pandemic. We also sought to design and validate a questionnaire to assess this. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted among women in the gynecology waiting rooms of a reference hospital. Exploratory factorial analysis with the split-half method and Cronbach $\alpha$ values was performed for questionnaire validation. Univariant and bivariant analyses were performed to analyze the data obtained. Results: In total, 186 women took part in the study. Exploratory factor analysis identified 2 domains: usability and applicability in medical practice. The Cronbach $\alpha$ value was .81. Overall, 83.7{\%} of the answers to the first domain and 56.4{\%} of those to the second were favorable. Women with university education or those who had used QR codes before scored better in the usability domain, while no differences were observed in the applicability scores. Conclusions: Using QR codes in the gynecology clinics' waiting rooms can help promote women's health during a pandemic, regardless of their education level or whether they have used QR codes before. The questionnaire developed herein is a helpful tool to assess this. These findings are important for clinical practice. This research can be performed in other ambits, specialties, or countries. ", issn="2292-9495", doi="10.2196/41143", url="https://humanfactors.www.mybigtv.com/2022/4/e41143", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/41143", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/36346657" }