@文章{信息:doi/10.2196/34606,作者=“Gooch, Daniel和Mehta, Vikram和Stuart, Avelie和Katz, Dmitri和Bennasar, Mohamed和Levine, Mark和Bandara, Arosha和Nuseibeh, Bashar和Bennaceur, Amel和Price, Blaine”,标题=“为老年人设计支持情感记录的物质:开发和可用性研究”,期刊=“JMIR Hum Factors”,年=“2022”,月=“Apr”,日=“27”,卷=“9”,数字=“2”,页=“e34606”,关键词=“老年人;健康;情感;影响;幸福;有形的交互;TUI",摘要="背景:全球人口老龄化,导致医疗保健需求的变化。除了开发支持身体健康的技术外,人们越来越认识到有必要考虑技术如何支持情感健康。这就提出了一个问题:如何设计一种设备,让老年人可以与之互动,记录他们的情绪。目的:我们设计并开发了两种新颖的有形设备,灵感来自现有的纸质情绪量表。 The findings from a field trial of these devices with older adults are reported. Methods: Using interviews, field deployment, and fixed logging tasks, we assessed the developed devices. Results: Our results demonstrate that the tangible devices provided data comparable with standardized psychological scales of emotion. The participants developed their own patterns of use around the devices, and their experience of using the devices uncovered a variety of design considerations. We discuss the difficulty of customizing devices for specific user needs while logging data comparable to psychological scales of emotion. We also highlight the value of reflecting on sparse emotional data. Conclusions: Our work demonstrates the potential for tangible emotional logging devices. It also supports further research on whether such devices can support the emotional health of older adults by encouraging reflection of their emotional state. ", issn="2292-9495", doi="10.2196/34606", url="https://humanfactors.www.mybigtv.com/2022/2/e34606", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/34606", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/35475781" }