JMIR严肃游戏 2022 - 07 - 01 - t10:00:04内 卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析 开放期刊系统 这是一篇基于创作共用授权协议(发布的开放获取文章,该协议允许在任何媒体上不受限制地使用、发布和复制,前提是必须正确引用最初发布的JMIR Serious Games的原创作品。必须包括完整的书目信息,上的原始出版物链接,以及版权和许可信息。 为了健康和社会变革的严肃游戏 COVID-19大流行期间虚拟现实在医学中的应用:系统综述 2022 - 10 - 25 - t10:45:03内 Federica Pallavicini 亚历桑德罗·佩佩 马西莫Clerici Fabrizia多亏尤文和 背景:在COVID-19大流行期间,虚拟现实可以在卫生保健部门发挥重要作用。这项技术有可能补充传统的住院医疗培训和治疗,并可能增加在各种卫生保健环境中获得培训和治疗的机会。本系统综述旨在描述COVID-19危机期间针对医疗保健的虚拟现实应用的文献。我们根据系统综述首选报告项和荟萃分析指南,对psyinfo、Web of Science和MEDLINE数据库的文献进行了系统搜索。搜索字符串如下:“[(虚拟现实)]和[(COVID-19)或(冠状病毒)或(SARS-CoV-2)或(医疗保健)]。”选择2019年12月以后在同行评审期刊上以英文发表的论文,并遵守纳入和排除标准。我们使用混合方法评价工具来评估研究的质量和偏倚风险。结果: 39项研究符合纳入标准。17项研究表明,在COVID-19危机期间,虚拟现实在减少压力、焦虑、抑郁和疼痛以及促进身体活动方面是有用的。22项研究表明,在COVID-19危机期间,虚拟现实在包括急诊医学、护理和儿科在内的多个领域是一种有用的学习和培训工具。 This technology was also used as an educational tool for increasing public understanding of the COVID-19 pandemic. Different levels of immersion (ie, immersive and desktop virtual reality), types of head-mounted displays (ie, PC-based, mobile, and standalone), and content (ie, 360° videos and photos, virtual environments, virtual reality video games, and embodied virtual agents) have been successfully used. Virtual reality was helpful in both face-to-face and remote trials. Conclusions: Virtual reality has been applied frequently in medicine during the COVID-19 pandemic, with positive effects for treating several health conditions and for medical education and training. Some barriers need to be overcome for the broader adoption of virtual reality in the health care panorama. Trial Registration: International Platform of Registered Systematic Review and Meta-analysis Protocols (INPLASY) INPLASY202190108; 2022 - 10 - 25 - t10:45:03内 虚拟现实技术在认知康复中的应用:文献计量学分析 2022 - 10 - 19 - t10:00:03内 丹尼他 ”曹 Le刘宇超(音) Mengxin王 Yanfei陈 坞城钱 近年来,随着计算机科学和医学科学的发展,虚拟现实(virtual reality, VR)技术已成为一种很有前途的改善认知功能的工具。基于虚拟现实的认知训练研究越来越受到关注。本研究旨在了解近20年来VR技术在认知康复领域的应用现状、研究热点和新兴趋势。从Web of Science Core Collection中检索2001 - 2021年基于虚拟现实的认知康复的文章。使用CiteSpace软件对作者和国家或地区进行可视化分析,使用Scimago Graphica软件对已发表国家或地区进行地理可视化。使用gCLUTO软件对关键词进行聚类。结果:共纳入1259篇论文。近年来,VR在认知康复中的应用研究得到广泛开展,相关文献的年度出版呈现积极趋势。主要研究领域包括神经科学和神经学、心理学、计算机科学和康复。美国以328篇论文排名第一,意大利以140篇论文排名第二。 Giuseppe Riva, an Italian academic, was the most prolific author with 29 publications. The most frequently cited reference was “Using Reality to Characterize Episodic Memory Profiles in Amnestic Mild Cognitive Impairment and Alzheimer’s Disease: Influence of Active and Passive Encoding.” The most common keywords used by researchers include “virtual reality,” “cognition,” “rehabilitation,” “performance,” and “older adult.” The largest source of research funding is from the public sector in the United States. Conclusions: The bibliometric analysis provided an overview of the application of VR in cognitive rehabilitation. VR-based cognitive rehabilitation can be integrated into multiple disciplines. We conclude that, in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, the development of VR-based telerehabilitation is crucial, and there are still many problems that need to be addressed, such as the lack of consensus on treatment methods and the existence of safety hazards. 2022 - 10 - 19 - t10:00:03内 基于头戴显示器的虚拟现实引起的晕动症对生理反应的影响:横断面研究 2022 - 10 - 17 - t10:15:03内 金尹生 JuHye赢得 Seong-Wook张成泽 Junho Ko 背景:虽然越来越多的人因为虚拟现实(VR)的普及而晕屏,但到目前为止还没有关于晕屏的原因和减少的官方标准。一个主要原因是还没有建立一个客观的方法来评估晕屏病。为了解决这个问题,需要研究如何用可以实时测量的生理反应来评估晕屏病。由于对能够评估晕屏病的生理反应的研究还处于早期阶段,因此还需要进一步研究各种生理反应。本研究分析了头戴式显示VR引起的晕动症对生理反应的影响。我们开发的内容为用户提供了一架飞机的第一人称视角,该飞机通过预定的轨迹在城市上空移动(通过平移和组合旋转)。在实验中,测试了参与者的晕屏和生理反应。晕屏病采用模拟器疾病问卷(SSQ)进行评估。测量的生理反应包括心率、血压、体温和皮质醇水平。结果:我们的测量证实,当参与者经历晕屏时,所有SSQ得分显著增加(所有Ps<.05)。 Heart rate and cortisol level increased significantly (P=.01 and P=.001, respectively). Body temperature also increased, but there was no statistically significant difference (P=.02). Systolic blood pressure and diastolic blood pressure decreased significantly (P=.001). Conclusions: Based on the results of our analysis, the following conclusions were drawn: (1) cybersickness causes significant disorientation, and research on this topic should focus on factors that affect disorientation; and (2) the physiological responses that are suitable for measuring cybersickness are heart rate and cortisol level. 2022 - 10 - 17 - t10:15:03内 在骨髓抽吸过程中使用虚拟现实面罩进行疼痛评估:前瞻性研究包括倾向匹配分析 2022 - 10 - 12 - t10:15:03内 卢俗 尼古拉斯Gendron Nadia铆钉 理查德Chocron 罗兰Macraigne Darless Clausse 伯纳德Cholley 帕斯卡尔Gaussem David M Smadja Luc Darnige 背景:骨髓抽吸(BMA)是诊断和监测血液病或非血液病患者的必要医疗程序。这一过程被认为是痛苦的,患者通常在BMA之前和过程中感到焦虑。本研究评估沉浸式虚拟现实对BMA中疼痛的影响。该观察性前瞻性单中心研究连续招募了105例在利多卡因麻醉下接受胸骨BMA的患者。研究共分2期进行。首先,在没有排除标准的情况下,建议所有患者佩戴虚拟现实口罩(VRF)。在第二阶段,BMA不进行VRF。所有患者术后疼痛强度均采用10分疼痛评分量表(NPRS)进行评估。所有分析均采用倾向评分匹配队列(有或没有VRF)来评估NRPS水平的有效性。结果:最终匹配队列包括12例VRF组患者和24例对照组患者。 No difference in anxiety level before BMA evaluated by the patient and by the operator was observed between groups (P=.71 and .42 respectively). No difference of NPRS was observed using VRF when compared to control group (median NPRS 3.8, IQR 2.0-6.3 vs 3.0, IQR 1.9-3.0, respectively; P=.09). Conclusions: Our study did not prove the efficacy of VRF to reduce pain during BMA. 2022 - 10 - 12 - t10:15:03内 更正:开发一个具有MDA框架的治疗性视频游戏,以减少学龄前急性淋巴细胞白血病儿童的焦虑:混合方法方法 2022 - 10 - 05 - t13:30:03内 据《杨 Meng-Yao陆 Chi-Wen陈 Pei-Ching刘 易经侯 2022 - 10 - 05 - t13:30:03内 传统的综合训练干预和锻炼游戏是改善健康老年人大脑和认知能力的两个方面吗?基于数据的观点 2022 - 10 - 03 - t10:15:03内 让-雅克•Temprado Marta Maria Torre 结合身体、运动和认知锻炼,有望有效地减轻老年人与年龄相关的大脑和认知衰退。这可以通过常规干预或锻炼游戏来实现。本文旨在确定常规联合训练和exergame干预是否为提供联合训练的两种可比较的方式。共选取24项常规训练研究和23项运动游戏研究进行比较。使用了一个共同的框架来分析两种类型的联合训练干预措施。我们的分析表明,传统的联合训练干预在改善大脑和认知能力方面比分开的身体和运动训练更有效,但其优于单独的认知训练有待证实。锻炼游戏所带来的认知益处几乎不如单独进行身体、运动或认知训练所获得的益处。因此,尽管传统的训练干预和锻炼游戏都允许提供联合训练项目,但它们不是同一枚硬币的两个方面。为了确定通过锻炼游戏实施的干预措施是否比传统的分离和联合训练干预措施带来更好的效益,有必要进行更有理论基础的进一步研究。 2022 - 10 - 03 - t10:15:03内 要点和游戏化环境中游戏体验的传递:框架开发和案例分析 2022 - 09 - 29 - t10:15:03内 Sungjin公园 Sangkyun金 背景:积分是游戏化中最广泛使用的游戏机制之一。它们被用作向用户提供反馈的一种手段。它们直观地展示了用户性能,并与其他游戏机制一起使用,以产生协同效应。但是,在不分析应用程序环境和目标的情况下使用点会对用户产生不利影响。本研究旨在找出用户在积分应用不当时所遇到的问题,并在分析前人研究和实际积分用例的基础上解决问题,并开发一个积分设计框架,以传递游戏体验。通过分析以前的研究发现了三个问题。第一个问题是积分只会累积。第二点是强调用户与其他人的不同之处。第三个问题与奖励分配问题有关,即当分数被用作奖励时所出现的问题。我们通过推导应用点的3个标准来开发一个框架。 The first criterion is based on the passive acquisition approach and the active use approach. The second criterion is used to classify points as “high/low” and “many/few” types. The third criterion is the classification of personal reward points and group reward points based on segmentation of the reward criteria. We developed 8 types of points based on the derived point design framework. Conclusions: We expect that some of the problems that users experience when using points can be solved. Furthermore, we expect that some of the problems that arise when points are used as rewards, such as pointsification and the overjustification effect, can be solved. By solving such problems, we suggest a direction that enables a gameful experience for point users and improves the core value delivery through gameful experiences. We also suggest a gameful experience delivery method in the context of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. 2022 - 09 - 29 - t10:15:03内 急性虚拟现实锻炼游戏对情绪和执行功能的影响:探索性交叉试验 2022 - 09 - 28 - t10:45:04内 Genta Ochi Ryuta Kuwamizu Tomomi藤本 Koyuki Ikarashi Koya Yamashiro Daisuke佐藤 背景:虚拟现实(VR)锻炼游戏是一种新的干预策略,帮助人们进行身体活动来改善情绪。通过作用于前额叶皮层,VR锻炼游戏可以改善情绪和执行功能,扩大潜在的好处。然而,VR锻炼游戏对执行功能的影响尚未得到充分的研究,相关的干预策略也尚未建立。本研究旨在探讨10分钟的VR锻炼游戏对情绪和执行功能的影响。总共有12名参与者在3种条件下进行锻炼游戏“FitXR”:(1)VR锻炼游戏条件(即头戴显示器的锻炼条件[VR- ex]),他们使用头戴显示器进行锻炼,(2)在平面显示器(2D-EX)前进行锻炼,(3)坐在椅子上休息的条件。颜色词Stroop任务(CWST),用来评估执行功能;《情绪状态概要》第二版(POMS2)的简写形式;以及用于评估情绪的二维情绪量表(TDMS),分别在运动或休息前后进行测试。VR-EX条件提高了POMS2活力活动评分(休息和VR-EX: t11=3.69, P=.003)和TDMS唤醒(休息vs 2D-EX: t11=5.34, P<.001;其他vs VR-EX: <我> t < / i > <子> 11子> < / = 5.99,P <我> < / i > & lt;措施; 2D-EX vs VR-EX: t11=3.02, P=.01) and vitality scores (rest vs 2D-EX: t11=3.74, P=.007; rest vs VR-EX: t11=4.84, P=.002; 2D-EX vs VR-EX: t11=3.53, P=.006), suggesting that VR exergaming enhanced mood. Conversely, there was no effect on CWST performance in either the 2D-EX or VR-EX conditions. Interestingly, the VR-EX condition showed a significant positive correlation between changes in CWST arousal and reaction time (r=0.58, P=.046). This suggests that the effect of exergaming on improving executive function may disappear under an excessively increased arousal level in VR exergaming. Conclusions: Our findings showed that 10 minutes of VR exergaming enhanced mood but did not affect executive function. This suggests that some VR content may increase cognitive demands, leading to psychological fatigue and cognitive decline as an individual approaches the limits of available attentional capacity. Future research must examine the combination of exercise and VR that enhances both brain function and mood. 2022 - 09 - 28 - t10:45:04内 基于虚拟现实的康复作为一种可行的和迷人的工具,用于管理慢性中风后上肢功能恢复:随机对照试验 2022 - 09 - 27 - t10:30:22内 亚历杭德罗埃尔南德斯 Liudmila Bubyr Philippe S Archambault 乔安娜希金斯 明迪·F·莱文 大丽花Kairy 越来越多的脑卒中幸存者在从脑卒中康复治疗中出院后几乎得不到康复服务,尽管一旦康复服务停止,手臂缺损可能会持续存在或因废用而发展。基于虚拟现实(VR)的康复,结合远程康复等新技术,包括使用VR环境的严肃游戏,鼓励用户在家练习功能动作,在最少的监督下,可能在优化和维护上肢(UE)功能方面发挥重要作用。本研究的主要目的是确定与循证家庭锻炼计划相比,使用基于虚拟现实的严肃游戏进行为期1个月的干预在改善UE功能方面的有效程度。第二个目标是评估在参与者家中实施慢性脑卒中康复干预的可行性。51例慢性脑卒中患者被随机分组治疗(n=26, 51%;Jintronix系统)或标准护理(n=25, 49%;标准化分级重复手臂补充程序套件家庭程序)组。分别在基线(干预前)、干预后(干预后)和随访(4周)时对参与者进行评估。主要结局指标为UE的Fugl-Meyer评估(FMA-UE)。次要结果测量包括卒中影响量表和删节版的运动活动日志-14。 Self-reported number of sessions was logged for the standard care group. Results: No statistically significant differences between groups were found across measures. Overall time effects were found for the FMA-UE (P=.045), specifically between preintervention and postintervention time points for both groups (P=.03). A total of 9 participants in the treatment group reached or surpassed the minimal clinically important difference in scores for the FMA-UE, with 7 (78%) of them having baseline low or moderate arm function, compared with 3 (33%) participants in the standard care group. Furthermore, 56% (9/16) of the participants in the treatment group who actively engaged with the system reached the minimal clinically important difference for the FMA-UE, compared with none for the 0% (0/10) less-active participants. Conclusions: These findings suggest that UE training for chronic stroke survivors using virtual rehabilitation in their home may be as effective as a gold standard home exercise program and that those who used the system the most achieved the greatest improvement in UE function, indicating its relevance to being included as part of ongoing rehabilitation services. Trial Registration: NCT02491203; 2022 - 09 - 27 - t10:30:22内 实时减少虚拟现实疾病的新方法:设计与验证研究 2022 - 09 - 27 - t10:30:02内 JuHye赢得 金尹生 背景:最近,基于流媒体服务提供虚拟现实(VR)内容的技术发展迅速。但是,目前还没有减少戴着头盔实时观看VR内容时发生的VR病的研究。基于此背景,我们提出了一种新的方法来测量和减少当用户戴着HMD实时观看VR内容时发生的VR疾病。方法:建议的方法是根据用户的实时VR疾病水平应用VR疾病减少方法。使用已知的三种有效减少VR疾病的方法和单一类型的VR内容来检验所提出的方法的有效性,实验结果证实了这一点。结果:我们的结果表明,当一种新方法应用于VR内容时,VR疾病显著减少(在所有情况下,P<.05)。结论:从我们的结果中,我们证实了VR疾病可以在不佩戴额外设备的情况下进行测量,本文提出的方法可以根据用户的情况实时应用VR疾病的减少方法。 2022 - 09 - 27 - t10:30:02内