%0期刊文章%@ 2291- 9279% I JMIR出版物%V 7%卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析 N 2% P e8540% T打架pv:一款手机游戏的设计和评估,以提高人们对人类乳头瘤病毒的认识,推动人们对宫颈癌采取行动% a Ruiz-López,Tomás,Sagar % a Jakobsen,Elisabeth % a Tropé,Ameli % a Castle,Philip E % a Hansen,Bo Terning % a Nygård,Mari %+ HPV研究小组,挪威癌症登记处,Ullernchausseen 64, 0379奥斯陆,挪威,奥斯陆,47 95181886,mari.nygard@kreftregisteret.no %K乳头瘤病毒疫苗%K教育技术%K宫颈肿瘤%K乳头瘤病毒感染%K一级预防%K二级预防%K癌症早期发现%K移动应用%K健康教育%K学习%D 2019 %7 08.04.2019 %9原始论文%J JMIR严肃游戏%G英文%X背景:人乳头瘤病毒(HPV)是全球最常见的性传播感染。高危型HPV可导致宫颈癌、其他肛门生殖器癌和口咽癌;低风险的HPV类型会导致生殖器疣。子宫颈癌可以通过接种HPV疫苗和筛查得到高度预防;然而,缺乏对HPV和这些预防策略的认识和知识是减少该疾病负担的一个重要障碍。过去几年移动技术的快速发展和广泛使用为克服这种知识缺乏和创造新的、有效的现代卫生传播战略提供了机会。目的:本研究旨在描述一款名为“战斗thpv”的移动应用程序的开发,这是一款基于游戏的学习工具,用于教育移动技术用户了解HPV、与HPV感染相关的疾病风险以及现有的预防方法。方法:第一个版本的FightHPV在设计-开发-评估循环中进行了改进,其中纳入了来自40名参与者的beta测试研究的反馈,第一个焦点小组的6名参与者年龄在40至50岁之间,第二个焦点小组的23名参与者年龄在16至18岁之间。 Gameplay data from the beta testing study were collected using Google Analytics (Google), whereas feedback from focus groups was evaluated qualitatively. Of the 29 focus group participants, 26 returned self-administered questionnaires. HPV knowledge before and after playing the game was evaluated in the 22 participants from the second focus group who returned a questionnaire. Results: FightHPV communicates concepts about HPV, associated diseases and their prevention by representing relationships among 14 characters in 6 episodes of 10 levels each, with each level being represented by a puzzle. Main concepts were reinforced with text explanations. Beta testing revealed that many players either failed or had to retry several times before succeeding at the more difficult levels in the game. It also revealed that players gave up at around level 47 of 60, which prompted the redesign of FightHPV to increase accessibility to all episodes. Focus group discussions led to several improvements in the user experience and dissemination of health information in the game, such as making all episodes available from the beginning of the game and rewriting the information in a more appealing way. Among the 26 focus group participants who returned a questionnaire, all stated that FightHPV is an appealing educational tool, 69% (18/26) reported that they liked the game, and 81% (21/26) stated that the game was challenging. We observed an increase in HPV knowledge after playing the game (P=.001). Conclusions: FightHPV was easy to access, use, and it increased awareness about HPV infection, its consequences, and preventive measures. FightHPV can be used to educate people to take action against HPV and cervical cancer. %M 30958271 %R 10.2196/games.8540 %U https://games.www.mybigtv.com/2019/2/e8540/ %U https://doi.org/10.2196/games.8540 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/30958271