基于场景、混合现实的战场急救非技术技能训练新平台卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析杜a,钟文琼,贾欣,蒋义军,杨仁青,叶浩阳,宗赵a,赵文+陆军军医大学作战伤亡救护训练基地创伤、烧伤与复合损伤国家重点实验室,重庆沙坪坝区高滩岩街30号,400038,86 138 8350 6677;zongzhaowen@163.com %K混合现实%K决策%K团队合作%K战场急救%K非技术技能%K培训%K下一代建模%K虚拟现实%K医学教育%D 2022 %7 6.12.2022 %9背景:尽管战场急救(BFA)培训与民用培训有许多共同特点,例如需要解决技术技能和非技术技能(NTSs),但它更具有高度的场景依赖性。对扩展现实的研究表明,医学培训有明显的好处;然而,扩展现实对nts的训练效果,包括在博弈论中的团队合作和决策,尚未得到充分证明。目的:本研究旨在创建和测试一个适合于BFA nts培训的基于场景的混合现实平台。方法:首先,利用新一代建模技术和动画同步系统,建立10人进攻作战演练。利用虚幻引擎4 (Epic Games)构建了解决战术战斗伤亡护理基本原则的决策培训软件,并将其集成到场景中。开发了适用于该平台的大空间团队协作和虚拟交互系统。采用虚幻引擎4和软件工程技术结合模块,建立混合现实BFA培训平台。 A total of 20 Grade 4 medical students were recruited to accept BFA training with the platform. Pretraining and posttraining tests were carried out in 2 forms to evaluate the training effectiveness: one was knowledge acquisition regarding the NTS and the other was a real-world, scenario-based test. In addition, the students were asked to rate their agreement with a series of survey items on a 5-point Likert scale. Results: A battlefield geographic environment, tactical scenarios, scenario-based decision software, large-space teamwork, and virtual interaction system modules were successfully developed and combined to establish the mixed-reality training platform for BFA. The posttraining score of the students’ knowledge acquisition was significantly higher than that of pretraining (t=−12.114; P≤.001). Furthermore, the NTS score and the total score that the students obtained in the real-world test were significantly higher than those before training (t=−17.756 and t=−21.354, respectively; P≤.001). However, there was no significant difference between the scores of technical skills that the students obtained before and after training. A posttraining survey revealed that the students found the platform helpful in improving NTSs for BFA, and they were confident in applying BFA skills after training. However, most trainees thought that the platform was not helpful for improving the technical skills of BFA, and 45% (9/20) of the trainees were not satisfied with the simulation effect. Conclusions: A scenario-based, mixed-reality platform was constructed in this study. In this platform, interaction of the movement of multiple players in a large space and the interaction of decision-making by the trainees between the real world and the virtual world were accomplished. The platform could improve the NTSs of BFA. Future works, including improvement of the simulation effects and development of a training platform that could effectively improve both the technical skills and NTSs of BFA, will be carried out. %M 36472903 %R 10.2196/40727 %U https://games.www.mybigtv.com/2022/4/e40727 %U https://doi.org/10.2196/40727 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/36472903