I JMIR出版物V 10% N 1% P e31020% T沉浸式虚卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析拟现实和多发性硬化症的前庭康复:病例报告%A García-Muñoz,Cristina %A Cortés-Vega,María-Dolores %A Hernández-Rodríguez,Juan-Carlos %A Fernández-Seguín,Lourdes M %A escoio - prieto,Isabel %A Casuso-Holgado,María Jesús %+塞维利亚大学护理、物理治疗和足病学院理疗系,C / Avicena S/N,塞维利亚,41009,西班牙,34 954486528,mdcortes@us.es %K沉浸式虚拟现实%K前庭康复%K多发性硬化症%K运动游戏%D 2022 %7 16.2.2022 %9病例报告%J JMIR严重游戏%G英文%X背景:头晕和失衡是多发性硬化症(MS)患者常见的致残症状,由中央、外周或混合前庭病引起。中枢性前庭神经障碍是最常报道的前庭神经问题在MS人群由于脱髓鞘。前庭神经康复可改善这些症状及其影响,提高生活质量。沉浸式虚拟现实(VRi)是这一领域的新兴工具;目的:本研究的目的是将VRi前庭神经训练方案应用于MS患者,并评估实验干预所引起的效果。方法:该病例研究包括一名54岁的复发缓解型多发性硬化症女性。我们基于金标准的Cawthorne-Cooksey前庭训练方案开发了一种标准化的VRi训练方案,用于前庭神经康复。20个阶段的干预包括10个初始阶段和10个高级阶段。每次50分钟,每周进行2 - 3次,持续7周。 Four evaluations were carried out over the study period: at baseline (T0), between initial and advances phases (T1), postintervention (T2), and 1 month after the experimental procedure (T3). The research outcomes were dizziness, balance, gait, impact of fatigue, quality of life, repercussions in muscular tone, and usability of the head-mounted display device. Results: After implementing the VRi vestibular protocol, improvements were seen in the following patient parameters: Dizziness Handicap Inventory score (62 points at T0; 4 points at T2); Berg Balance Scale score (47 points at T0; 54 points at T2); instrumented Timed Up and Go time (8.35 seconds at T0; 5.57 seconds at T2); muscular tone of the erector spinae, rectus femoris, and soleus; Modified Fatigue Impact Scale score (61 points at T0; 37 points at T2); and Multiple Sclerosis Quality of Life-54 values (67.16% in the physical health area at T2; 33.56% in the mental health area at T2). The patient rated the usability of the system as 90%, based on the System Usability Scale, and gave the system a grade of A. Conclusions: Although further research is needed, this study provided initial evidence that the first VRi vestibular protocol for the MS population can improve dizziness, balance, gait, impact of fatigue, quality of life, and muscular tone through an exergame intervention. This study may help establish a standardized VRi protocol for vestibular rehabilitation. %M 34766551 %R 10.2196/31020 %U https://games.www.mybigtv.com/2022/1/e31020 %U https://doi.org/10.2196/31020 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/34766551