@文章{信息:doi/10.2196/30985,作者=“维诺洛吉尔,玛丽亚Jesus和冈萨雷斯-梅迪纳,格洛丽亚和卢塞纳- anton,大卫和佩雷斯-卡贝萨斯,维罗妮卡和鲁伊兹-莫莱内罗,Mar{i}a Del Carmen和Mart{i}n-Valero, Roc”,标题=“物理治疗中的增强现实:系统回顾和元分析”,期刊=“JMIR严肃游戏”,年=“2021”,月=“12月”,日=“15”,卷=“9”,数=“4”,页=“e30985”,关键词=“增强现实;物理疗法;康复;背景:增强现实(AR)是一项迅速发展的技术;它包括在一个人的真实物理环境中从数字信息生成新的图像,模拟一个人工和真实混合的环境。AR在物理治疗中的使用已显示出对患者健康某些领域的益处。然而,这些好处还没有被作为一个整体来研究。目的:本研究旨在确定目前关于AR疗法作为物理疗法补充的科学证据,并确定其使用最多的领域,以及哪些变量和方法最有效。方法:根据PRISMA(系统评价和元分析首选报告项目)的建议,进行了在PROSPERO(国际前瞻性系统评价登记册)注册的系统评价。该搜索于2021年7月至8月在PubMed、PEDro、Web of Science、Scopus和Cochrane图书馆科学数据库中进行,搜索关键词为增强现实、物理治疗、物理治疗、运动治疗、康复、物理医学、健身和职业治疗。 The methodological quality was evaluated using the PEDro scale and the Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network scale to determine the degree of recommendation. The Cochrane Collaboration tool was used to evaluate the risk of bias. Results: In total, 11 articles were included in the systematic review. Of the 11 articles, 4 (36{\%}) contributed information to the meta-analysis. Overall, 64{\%} (7/11) obtained a good level of evidence, and most had a B degree of recommendation of evidence. A total of 308 participants were analyzed. Favorable results were found for the Berg Balance Scale (standardized mean change 0.473, 95{\%} CI −0.0877 to 1.0338; z=1.65; P=.10) and the Timed Up and Go test (standardized mean change −1.211, 95{\%} CI −3.2005 to 0.7768; z=−1.194; P=.23). Conclusions: AR, in combination with conventional therapy, has been used for the treatment of balance and fall prevention in geriatrics, lower and upper limb functionality in stroke, pain in phantom pain syndrome, and turning in place in patients with Parkinson disease with freezing of gait. AR is effective for the improvement of balance; however, given the small size of the samples and the high heterogeneity of the studies, the results were not conclusive. Future studies using larger sample sizes and with greater homogeneity in terms of the devices used and the frequency and intensity of the interventions are needed. Trial Registration: PROSPERO International Prospective Register of Systematic Reviews CRD42020180766; https://www.crd.york.ac.uk/prospero/display{\_}record.php?RecordID=180766 ", issn="2291-9279", doi="10.2196/30985", url="https://games.www.mybigtv.com/2021/4/e30985", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/30985", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/34914611" }