@文章{信息:doi/10.2196/34402,作者=“Goudman, Lisa和Jansen, Julie和Billot, Maxime和Vets, Nieke和De Smedt, Ann和Roulaud, Manuel和Rigoard, Philippe和Moens, Maarten”,标题=“虚拟现实在慢性疼痛管理中的应用:系统回顾和元分析”,期刊=“JMIR严肃游戏”,年=“2022”,月=“5”,日=“10”,卷=“10”,数字=“2”,页=“e34402”,关键词=“虚拟现实;慢性疼痛;系统评价;多层次分析;身临其境的技术;临床结果;背景:虚拟现实(VR)是一种让用户沉浸在完全不同的现实中的计算机技术。VR在急性疼痛中的应用已经得到了很好的证实。然而,在慢性疼痛中,VR的应用和结果参数不太清楚。目的:本综述旨在系统地确定所有已报道的与慢性疼痛患者VR相关的结局参数。 Methods: A total of 4 electronic databases (PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science, and Embase) were searched for relevant studies. Multilevel random-effect meta-analyses were performed, whereby the standardized mean difference was chosen as the effect size to denote the difference between measurements before and after a VR intervention. Results: The initial database search identified 1430 studies, of which 41 (2.87{\%}) were eventually included in the systematic review. Evidence has been found for the effects of VR on pain, functioning, mobility, functional capacity, psychological outcomes, quality of life, neuropsychological outcomes, and physical sensations. The overall effect size (a total of 194 effect sizes from 25 studies) based on a three level meta-analysis was estimated at 1.22 (95{\%} CI 0.55-1.89; z=3.56; P<.001), in favor of improvements after a VR intervention. When categorizing effect sizes, the overall effect sizes were reported as follows: 1.60 (95{\%} CI 0.83-2.36; z=4.09; P<.001) for the effect of VR on pain (n=31), 1.40 (95{\%} CI 0.13-2.67; z=2.17; P=.03) for functioning (n=60), 0.49 (95{\%} CI −0.71 to 1.68; z=0.80; P=.42) for mobility (n=24), and 0.34 (95{\%} CI −1.52 to 2.20; z=0.36; P=.72) for functional capacity (n=21). Conclusions: This systematic review revealed a broad range of outcome variables influenced by an intervention of VR technology, with statistically significant pain relief and improvements in functioning. These findings indicate that VR not only has applications in acute pain management but also in chronic pain settings, whereby VR might be able to become a promising first-line intervention as complementary therapy for patients with chronic pain. Trial Registration: PROSPERO International Prospective Register of Systematic Reviews CRD42021227016; https://www.crd.york.ac.uk/prospero/display{\_}record.php?RecordID=227016 ", issn="2291-9279", doi="10.2196/34402", url="https://games.www.mybigtv.com/2022/2/e34402", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/34402", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/35536641" }