@文章{信息:doi/10.2196/31638,作者=“Laine, Teemu H和Duong, Nhi和Lindvall, Helena和Oyelere, Solomon Sunday和Rutberg, Stina和Lindqvist, Anna-Karin”,标题=“一个可重复使用的多人游戏,促进积极的学校交通:发展研究”,期刊=“JMIR严肃游戏”,年=“2022”,月=“Mar”,日=“14”,卷=“10”,数字=“1”,页=“e31638”,关键词=“游戏化;积极的学校交通;身体活动;形成性评价;体系结构;移动电话;背景:瑞典的大多数儿童和青少年没有达到世界卫生组织推荐的每日身体活动水平。积极的学校运输(AST)和游戏化是增加儿童日常体育活动的潜在方法。我们之前开发了一款名为《Tic-Tac-Training》的游戏,旨在促进工作场所的主动交通;目的:本研究的目的是调查一字棋训练如何在瑞典北部的小学生中推广AST,改进游戏使其更适合小学生,并根据儿童的想法构建未来发展的路线图。 Methods: First, we developed Tic-Tac-Training using the Scrum agile software development method. Second, we conducted a questionnaire-based formative evaluation of the game with schoolchildren (n=16; 9/16, 56{\%} male; 6/16, 38{\%} female; and 1/16, 6{\%} other aged 11-12 years) in Lule{\aa}, Sweden. Third, we conducted focus group interviews with 33 children (13/33, 39{\%} male and 20/33, 61{\%} female aged 12-13 years) to gather ideas for gamifying AST. We mapped the interview results to the Octalysis gamification framework and established a road map for future development. Results: The formative evaluation revealed several issues, including a lack of interesting game features, lack of support for continuous engagement, disliked competitive features, and lack of incentives for discourse and participation. New features such as rewards, collectibles, and levels were implemented based on the results. The focus group interviews revealed additional ideas for gamifying AST, such as using avatars, in-game currency and trading, and context-sensitive tasks. Conclusions: The results have several potential impacts on how reusable, gamified AST interventions can be developed and what kind of gamification elements schoolchildren in northern Sweden wish to see. These results can interest game researchers and teachers who wish to apply gamification in school contexts. Finally, we aim to continue developing the game based on the road map. ", issn="2291-9279", doi="10.2196/31638", url="https://games.www.mybigtv.com/2022/1/e31638", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/31638", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/35285815" }