@文章{信息:doi/10.2196/29137,作者=“Abd-alrazaq, Alaa和Alajlani, Mohannad和Alhuwail, Dari和Schneider, Jens和akhuh - zaheya, Laila和Ahmed, Arfan和Househ, Mowafa”,标题=“严肃游戏缓解焦虑的有效性:系统评价和元分析”,期刊=“JMIR严肃游戏”,年=“2022”,月=“2月”,日=“14”,卷=“10”,数=“1”,页数=“e29137”,关键词=“严肃游戏;exergames;焦虑;计算机化认知行为治疗游戏;生物反馈游戏;系统评价;荟萃分析;背景:焦虑是一种以忧虑、紧张、不安和其他相关行为障碍为特征的精神障碍。一种用于减轻焦虑的非药物疗法是严肃游戏,即除了娱乐之外还有其他目的的游戏。严肃游戏在缓解焦虑方面的有效性已被几项系统综述所调查; however, they were limited by design and methodological weaknesses. Objective: This study aims to assess the effectiveness of serious games in alleviating anxiety by summarizing the results of previous studies and providing an up-to-date review. Methods: We conducted a systematic review of randomized controlled trials (RCTs). The following seven databases were searched: MEDLINE, CINAHL, PsycINFO, ACM Digital Library, IEEE Xplore, Scopus, and Google Scholar. We also conducted backward and forward reference list checking for the included studies and relevant reviews. Two reviewers independently carried out the study selection, data extraction, risk of bias assessment, and quality of evidence appraisal. We used a narrative and statistical approach, as appropriate, to synthesize the results of the included studies. Results: Of the 935 citations retrieved, 33 studies were included in this review. Of these, 22 RCTs were eventually included in the meta-analysis. Very low--quality evidence from 9 RCTs and 5 RCTs showed no statistically significant effect of exergames (games entailing physical exercises) on anxiety levels when compared with conventional exercises (P=.70) and no intervention (P=.27), respectively. Although 6 RCTs demonstrated a statistically and clinically significant effect of computerized cognitive behavioral therapy games on anxiety levels when compared with no intervention (P=.01), the quality of the evidence reported was low. Similarly, low-quality evidence from 3 RCTs showed a statistically and clinically significant effect of biofeedback games on anxiety levels when compared with conventional video games (P=.03). Conclusions: This review shows that exergames can be as effective as conventional exercises in alleviating anxiety; computerized cognitive behavioral therapy games and exergames can be more effective than no intervention, and biofeedback games can be more effective than conventional video games. However, our findings remain inconclusive, mainly because there was a high risk of bias in the individual studies included, the quality of meta-analyzed evidence was low, few studies were included in some meta-analyses, patients without anxiety were recruited in most studies, and purpose-shifted serious games were used in most studies. Therefore, serious games should be considered complementary to existing interventions. Researchers should use serious games that are designed specifically to alleviate depression, deliver other therapeutic modalities, and recruit a diverse population of patients with anxiety. ", issn="2291-9279", doi="10.2196/29137", url="https://games.www.mybigtv.com/2022/1/e29137", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/29137", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/35156932" }