TY - JOUR AU - Geerling, Bart AU - Kelders, Saskia M AU - Stevens, Anja W M M AU - Kupka, Ralph W AU - Bohlmeijer, Ernst T PY - 2022 DA - 2022/9/19 TI -基于web的双相情感障碍患者积极心理学应用程序:发展研究乔- Res JMIR形式SP - e39476六世- 6 - 9千瓦,双相情感障碍KW -积极心理学KW - cocreation KW -移动健康KW - mHealth KW -网络KW -心理学KW -双KW -干预KW -生活质量KW -精神疾病KW -飞行员KW -自尊KW -接受KW -社会隔离千瓦躁狂发作KW -躁狂千瓦自助KW -积极KW -手机AB -背景:双相情感障碍(BD)患者报告的生活质量和幸福水平低于一般人群。尽管心理治疗和自我管理干预措施越来越多,但重要的未满足需求仍然存在。这些未被满足的需求与积极心理学领域密切相关。虽然越来越多的研究评估了积极心理学干预(PPIs)对严重精神疾病患者的影响,但只有很少的研究涉及积极心理学在双相障碍中的应用。目的:本研究旨在深入了解双相障碍患者和卫生保健专业人员对(基于网络的)双相障碍PPIs的意见,并开发和试点测试一款包含专门为双相障碍患者设计的PPIs的应用程序。这项研究是根据电子健康和疾病管理中心路线图原则进行的,并纳入了共同创造和实施设计。数据是通过焦点小组讨论、问卷调查、快速原型制作和参与者对原型的基于网络的反馈收集的。总共对62%(8/13)的BD患者和38%(5/13)的专业人员进行了3个焦点小组的研究。收集到的数据被用于开发一个包含简短PPIs的智能手机应用程序。 The content was based on PPIs for which a solid base of evidence is available. Finally, a pilot test was conducted to test the app. Results: Focus groups revealed that PPIs as part of the current BD treatment can potentially meet the following needs: offering hope, increasing self-esteem, expressing feelings, acceptance, and preventing social isolation. Some patients expressed concern that PPIs may provoke a manic or hypomanic episode by increasing positive affect. The pilot of the app showed that the PPIs are moderately to highly valued by the participants. There were no adverse effects such as increase in manic or hypomanic symptoms. Conclusions: With the systematic use of user involvement (patients and professionals) in all steps of the development process, we were able to create an app that can potentially fulfill some of the current unmet needs in the treatment of BD. We reached consensus among consumers and professionals about the potential benefits of PPIs to address the unmet needs of patients with BD. The use of PPI for BD is intriguing and can be usefully explored in further studies. We emphasize that more evaluation studies (quantitative and qualitative) that are focused on the effect of PPIs in the treatment of BD should be conducted. In addition, to establish the working mechanisms in BD, explorative, qualitative, designed studies are required to reveal whether PPIs can address unmet needs in BD. SN - 2561-326X UR - https://formative.www.mybigtv.com/2022/9/e39476 UR - https://doi.org/10.2196/39476 UR - http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/35946327 DO - 10.2196/39476 ID - info:doi/10.2196/39476 ER -