TY - JOUR AU - highdow - weidman, Lisa B AU - Muessig, Kathryn AU - Soberano, Zach AU - Rosso, Matthew T AU - Currie, Andrew AU - Adams Larsen, Margo AU - Knudtson, Kelly AU - Vecchio, Alyssa PY - 2022 DA - 2022/9/8 TI -艰难的谈话虚拟模拟艾滋病毒暴露干预与男性发生性关系的年轻男性:开发和可用性测试乔- Res JMIR形式SP - e38354六世- 6 - 9千瓦- HIV KW -虚拟现实KW -状态信息披露KW -预防千瓦年轻人和男人做爱KW -人工智能KW -药物依从性KW -传输KW -病毒载量KW -男人KW -性KW -发展KW -可用性KW -测试KW -虚拟仿真KW -年轻人KW -美国KW -行为KW -社会决定因素AB -背景:艾滋病毒状况的披露是一个重要的决定,特别是对男男性行为的年轻男性(YMSM)来说,他们是美国艾滋病毒新感染率最高的人群。难以透露的行为和社会决定因素包括害怕被拒绝、耻辱、失去经济稳定性和缺乏沟通技巧。一旦能够披露,一个人可能会增加获得社会支持的机会,并改善知情的风险降低对话和药物依从性。尽管公开存在已知的挑战和优势,但很少有有效的工具支持这种行为。目的:为了解决在披露干预方面的这一差距,为YMSM开发了Tough Talks (TT)应用程序,这是一款使用人工智能(AI)促进角色扮演场景的移动健康干预程序。本文介绍了集成应用程序的开发阶段和可用性测试结果。方法:基于1-3阶段独立互动对话功能的成功开发和测试,我们进行了额外的形成性研究,以进一步完善和增强披露场景,并将其开发并置于综合干预应用程序的背景下,以支持披露。我们在8名携带HIV的YMSM的可用性研究中评估了新迭代的可接受性和相关性。 Participants completed a presurvey, app modules, and a semistructured qualitative interview. Results: TT content and activities were based on social cognitive theory and disclosure process model framework and expanded to a 4-module curriculum. The AI-facilitated scenarios used dialogue from an utterance database developed using language crowdsourced through a comic book contest. In usability testing, YMSM reported high satisfaction with TT, with 98% (31/33) of activities receiving positive ratings. Participants found the AI-facilitated scenarios and activities to be representative and relevant to their lived experiences, although they noted difficulty having nuanced disclosure conversations with the AI. Conclusions: TT was an engaging and practical intervention for self-disclosure among YMSM with HIV. Facilitating informed disclosure decisions has the potential to impact engagement in sexual risk behaviors and HIV care. More information is needed about the ideal environment, technical assistance, and clinical support for an mHealth disclosure intervention. TT is being tested as a scalable intervention in a multisite randomized controlled trial to address outstanding questions on accessibility and effect on viral suppression. Trial Registration: ClinicalTrials.gov NCT03414372; https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT03414372 SN - 2561-326X UR - https://formative.www.mybigtv.com/2022/9/e38354 UR - https://doi.org/10.2196/38354 UR - http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/36074551 DO - 10.2196/38354 ID - info:doi/10.2196/38354 ER -