TY -的AU - Tran, Ha V盟——笨蛋,哈T T非盟- Tran Thuy T T非盟- Filipowicz,特蕾莎修女R盟——它,凯尔西R AU -便士,Brian W非盟- Le,江M盟——阮,明X非盟- Chibanda,迪克森盟——Verhey,露丝盟——去,维维安F AU - Ho Hien T非盟- Gaynes,布拉德利N PY - 2022 DA - 2022/7/8 TI -改编的问题解决程序(友谊板凳)治疗常见精神障碍在艾滋病毒携带者和艾滋病和在美沙酮维持治疗在越南:造型的研究乔- Res JMIR形式SP - e37211六世- 6 - 7 KW -友谊板凳KW -越南KW - Assessment-Decision-Adaptation-Production-Topical Experts-Integration-Training-Testing KW - ADAPT-ITT千瓦常见精神障碍KW -艾滋病毒携带者千瓦PWH KW -注射毒品者KW - PWID KW -美沙酮维持治疗抑郁症KW - MMT千瓦KW -焦虑KW -应激障碍AB -背景:在世界范围内和越南,艾滋病毒感染者和注射吸毒者中常见精神障碍(CMDs)的患病率很高。然而,很少有针对注射毒品的艾滋病毒感染者的循证CMD项目被改编用于越南。我们调整了友谊长凳(FB),这是一个基于解决问题疗法(PST)的项目,在津巴布韦和马拉维初级卫生机构的cmd患者中成功实施,用于越南河内正在接受美沙酮维持治疗(MMT)的HIV感染者中。目的:本研究旨在描述适应过程,详细介绍了评估-决策-适应-生产-专题专家-融合-培训-测试(ADAPT-ITT)框架从第三阶段(适应)到第六阶段(整合)的4个阶段。方法:适应阶段遵循定性研究设计,探讨CMDs的症状、促进因素和越南HIV感染者在MMT中进行FB的障碍,以及患者、提供者和护理人员对FB的关注。在制作阶段,我们对原程序手册进行了修改,并开发了PST图解案例。在专题专家和整合阶段,2名调查人员(BNG和BWP)和3名主题专家(RV、DC和GML)审查了手册,并将审查人员的意见纳入最终修订的手册中,用于培训。该计划草案将用于培训和测试阶段。 Results: The study was methodologically aligned with the ADAPT-ITT goals as we chose a proven, effective program for adaptation. Insights from the adaptation phase addressed the who, where, when, and how of FB program implementation in the MMT clinics. The ADAPT-ITT framework guided the appropriate adaptation of the program manual while maintaining the core components of the PST of the original program throughout counseling techniques in all program sessions. The deliverable of this study was an adapted FB manual to be used for training and piloting to make a final program manual. Conclusions: This study successfully illustrated the process of operationalizing the ADAPT-ITT framework to adapt a mental health program in Vietnam. This study selected and culturally adapted an evidence-informed PST program to improve CMDs among people living with HIV on MMT in Vietnam. This adapted program has the potential to effectively address CMDs among people living with HIV on MMT in Vietnam. Trial Registration: ClinicalTrials.gov NCT04790201; https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT04790201 SN - 2561-326X UR - https://formative.www.mybigtv.com/2022/7/e37211 UR - https://doi.org/10.2196/37211 UR - http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/35802402 DO - 10.2196/37211 ID - info:doi/10.2196/37211 ER -