TY -的盟Pezley莱西盟——Tussing-Humphreys丽莎盟,Koenig玛丽黎明盟——真希,波林盟——Odoms-Young,安琪拉盟——Freels,莎莉盟——DiPiazza布列塔尼盟——在校园里,费利西蒂盟——关心,凯特AU - Depa,考特尼非盟- Klejka Gintare AU -利马奥利维拉,Manoela盟——Prough Jilian AU - Roe,泰勒AU -巴斯米,乔安娜盟——Duffecy詹妮弗PY - 2022 DA - 2022/5/3 TI -一个基于web的干预的可行性预防围产期抑郁,促进母乳喂养:随机试点试验JO - JMIR形式Res SP - e32226 VL - 6 IS - 5kw -母乳喂养KW -母乳喂养KW -围产期KW -抑郁KW -焦虑AB -背景:黑人或非洲裔美国母亲更有可能在怀孕后期和产后早期报告抑郁情绪,与美国所有其他种族群体相比,母乳喂养率最低。互联网干预提供了扩大预防性和支持性服务的潜力,因为它们解决了主要障碍,特别是对那些处于复杂和脆弱的产后早期的人。然而,关于这种干预措施在预防围产期心理健康障碍和改善黑人母亲母乳喂养结果方面的可行性的证据有限。目的:这项试点研究旨在评估基于网络认知行为疗法的互联网干预的可行性和初步结果,有和没有母乳喂养教育和支持,以预防围产期抑郁,促进黑人母亲的母乳喂养。方法:参与者是怀孕20至28周、有母乳喂养意愿、有轻度至中度抑郁症状的黑人个体(患者健康问卷评分5-14分)。参与者被随机分配到Sunnyside,一项为期6周的基于认知行为疗法的网络干预,或Sunnyside Plus,其中包括额外的教育和支持,以促进母乳喂养。评估分别在基线、妊娠晚期(产前治疗结束)、产后6周(产后治疗结束)和产后12周进行。这项随机试验的主要重点是心理健康和母乳喂养的可行性和初步结果。结果:共有22名受过高等教育的参与者被随机分配。 The mean number of log-ins was 7.3 (SD 5.3) for Sunnyside and 13.8 (SD 10.5) for Sunnyside Plus. Scores of depression and anxiety measures remained below the clinical threshold for referral to treatment in both groups. All the participants initiated human milk feeding (18/18, 100%). Most participants reported at least some human milk feeding at both 6 and 12 weeks postpartum (6/7, 86%; 11/11, 100%, or 10/10, 100%, for Sunnyside and Sunnyside Plus, respectively). Conclusions: The results suggest that tertiary-educated Black mothers at risk for perinatal depression and who intended to human milk feed were receptive to and satisfied with a web-based cognitive behavioral therapy–based internet intervention, with and without human milk feeding education and support. Preliminary findings indicate that both Sunnyside and Sunnyside Plus interventions have the potential to affect symptoms of depression, anxiety, and human milk feeding outcomes. Trial Registration: ClinicalTrials.gov NCT04128202; https://www.clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT04128202 SN - 2561-326X UR - https://formative.www.mybigtv.com/2022/5/e32226 UR - https://doi.org/10.2196/32226 UR - http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/35503244 DO - 10.2196/32226 ID - info:doi/10.2196/32226 ER -