TY - JOUR AU - Drissi, Nidal AU - Ouhbi, Sofia AU - Amiri, Leena AU - Al Mugaddam, Fadwa AU - Jan, Reem K AU - Isomursu, Minna PY - 2022 DA - 2022/2/7 TI -阿拉伯联合酋长国设计互联精神卫生解决方案的概念框架:问卷研究乔- Res JMIR形式SP - e27675六世- 6 - 2 KW -心理健康KW -数字医疗KW -电子健康KW -连接健康千瓦mHealth KW -感知KW -态度KW -框架KW -设计KW -阿联酋KW -精神卫生保健专业人士KW - AB阿拉伯文化背景:连接心理健康而言不啻是一个现场展示信息和通信技术为基础的心理护理干预措施,可以帮助克服许多心理保健服务的障碍。文化和背景会影响人们的态度、偏好和对这些解决方案的接受程度。因此,CMH解决方案对目标人群的适用性是其成功采用的重要因素。目的:本研究的目的是开发适合阿联酋环境的CMH解决方案的设计和创建框架。该框架基于从心理健康专业人员(MHP)的角度和相关文献对阿联酋CMH采用的促成因素和障碍的调查。方法:对阿拉伯国家使用技术进行精神保健的相关研究文献进行调查,并对17名在阿拉伯联合酋长国执业的MHPs进行基于网络的问卷调查,调查他们对CMH的态度和观点。从问卷调查和相关研究的结果进行分析,以制定设计框架。结果:基于文献调查的结果和基于网络调查的MHP回答的分析,为阿联酋人口的CMH解决方案设计了一个框架。该框架提出了四种类型的推荐类别:有利的标准,包括混合护理、匿名性和易用性; cultural factors including availability in multiple languages, mainly Arabic and English, in addition to religious and cultural considerations; technical considerations, including good-quality communication, availability in formats compatible with mobile phones, and providing technical support; and users’ health and data safety considerations, including users’ suitability testing, confidentiality, and ensuring MHP integrity. Conclusions: CMH has the potential to help overcome many mental care barriers in the United Arab Emirates in particular and in the Arab world in general. CMH adoption in the United Arab Emirates has a potential for success. However, many factors should be taken into account, mainly cultural, religious, and linguistic aspects. SN - 2561-326X UR - https://formative.www.mybigtv.com/2022/2/e27675 UR - https://doi.org/10.2196/27675 UR - http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/35129458 DO - 10.2196/27675 ID - info:doi/10.2196/27675 ER -