TY - JOUR AU - abantes, Ana M AU - Meshesha, Lidia Z AU - E Blevins, Claire AU - Battle, Cynthia L AU - Lindsay, Clifford AU - Marsh, Eliza AU - Feltus, Sage AU - Buman, Matthew AU - Agu, Emmanuel AU - Stein, Michael PY - 2022 DA - 2022/10/19 TI -酒精治疗患者的智能手机体育活动应用程序:单臂可行性试验JO - JMIR Form Res SP - e35926 VL - 6is - 10kw -酒精使用障碍KW - AUD KW -体力活动KW -智能手机应用程序KW - Fitbit KW -可行性研究KW -手机AB -背景:酒精使用障碍(AUD)是全球一个重要的公共健康问题。在美国,酒精消费是导致死亡的主要原因,对个人和社会都有重大的负面影响。治疗后复发是常见的,辅助干预方法在早期恢复期间改善酒精预后仍然是关键。以增加身体活动(PA)为重点的干预可能改善AUD的治疗结果。鉴于智能手机和活动追踪器的普及,将该技术集成到移动应用程序中可能是一种可行的、可接受的、可扩展的方法,以增加AUD患者的PA。目的:本研究旨在测试为AUD患者开发的Fit&Sober应用程序。该应用程序的目标是促进对PA参与和日常情绪和酒精渴望的自我监测,提高对PA对情绪和渴望的直接好处的认识,鼓励设置和调整PA目标,为增加PA提供资源和增加知识,并作为预防酒精复发策略的资源。方法:为了初步测试Fit&Sober应用程序,我们对早期恢复的AUD患者进行了开放的试点试验(N=22;13/22, 59%女性; mean age 43.6, SD 11.6 years). At the time of hospital admission, participants drank 72% of the days in the last 3 months, averaging 9 drinks per drinking day. The extent to which the Fit&Sober app was feasible and acceptable among patients with AUD during early recovery was examined. Changes in alcohol consumption, PA, anxiety, depression, alcohol craving, and quality of life were also examined after 12 weeks of app use. Results: Participants reported high levels of satisfaction with the Fit&Sober app. App metadata suggested that participants were still using the app approximately 2.5 days per week by the end of the intervention. Pre-post analyses revealed small-to-moderate effects on increase in PA, from a mean of 5784 (SD 2511) steps per day at baseline to 7236 (SD 3130) steps per day at 12 weeks (Cohen d=0.35). Moderate-to-large effects were observed for increases in percentage of abstinent days (Cohen d=2.17) and quality of life (Cohen d=0.58) as well as decreases in anxiety (Cohen d=−0.71) and depression symptoms (Cohen d=−0.58). Conclusions: The Fit&Sober app is an acceptable and feasible approach for increasing PA in patients with AUD during early recovery. A future randomized controlled trial is necessary to determine the efficacy of the Fit&Sober app for long-term maintenance of PA, ancillary mental health, and alcohol outcomes. If the efficacy of the Fit&Sober app could be established, patients with AUD would have a valuable adjunct to traditional alcohol treatment that can be delivered in any setting and at any time, thereby improving the overall health and well-being of this population. Trial Registration: ClinicalTrials.gov NCT02958280; https://www.clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT02958280 SN - 2561-326X UR - https://formative.www.mybigtv.com/2022/10/e35926 UR - https://doi.org/10.2196/35926 UR - http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/36260381 DO - 10.2196/35926 ID - info:doi/10.2196/35926 ER -