TY -非盟的苏Langting AU -安德森,页面林恩PY - 2022 DA - 2022/10/25 TI -公开可用的用户行为,并且,自导的移动健康应用抑郁:观察研究在全球样品乔- Res JMIR形式SP - e35538六世- 6 - 10 KW - mHealth KW -抑郁KW -智能手机KW -移动应用KW -数字医疗KW -全球精神卫生KW - MoodTools KW -移动健康KW -心理健康KW -手机千瓦低收入和中等收入国家AB -背景:减轻抑郁症的负担是一个全球性的健康问题。自助移动医疗(mHealth)应用程序是解决这一问题的一种方法。然而,在全球范围内,很少有关于自我引导的移动健康应用程序的研究,也很少有关于它们在现实世界中如何使用的研究。我们必须解决这些知识上的差距,以使移动健康应用程序减少全球抑郁症负担的承诺更接近现实。目的:本研究的目的是在全球社区样本中检查MoodTools的自然用户行为,MoodTools是一款公开、免费使用、自我指导的移动健康应用程序,旨在改善抑郁症症状。方法:收集2016年3月1日至2018年2月28日期间Android版MoodTools的所有唯一下载量的移动分析数据。由于去识别和数据聚合过程,没有人口统计或个人识别信息与个人用户数据相关联。所有信息都存储在Google Analytics的存储数据库中聚合的匿名数据文件中。谷歌的软件开发工具包用于安全捕获有关下载数量、下载位置、应用会话数量、应用会话频率和持续时间、应用会话之间的时间和用户留存的数据,允许检查哪些应用工具被查看了多长时间,包括信息(心理教育)、测试(使用患者健康问卷[PHQ-9]进行自我监控)、思想日记(针对负面认知)、 Activities (behavioral activation), Videos (curated from YouTube), and Safety Plan (safety plan development and links to quickly access crisis management resources). Results: MoodTools was used by 158,930 people from 198 countries, including countries where English was not the primary language and in low- and middle-income countries. After the initial download, 51.14% (n=81,277) of users returned to the app after the initial download, and retention rates decreased with each subsequent app session. The typical person used the app for 3 sessions for a total of 12 minutes over 90 days. The most frequently visited tools were Test and Thought Diary (n=393,549, 24.32%). On average, users completed and reviewed the results of the PHQ-9 for 49 seconds and 53 seconds, respectively, and spent 3 minutes and 5 seconds on Thought Diary. Conclusions: Self-guided mHealth apps could be one approach (among the many needed) to reduce the burden of depression. Observational data collected in this study show a global interest in MoodTools, including in low- and middle-income countries and countries where English is not the primary language. Future research is needed to determine whether people who use self-guided apps experience improvement in depressive symptoms, and if so, what “dosage” provides a meaningful benefit. SN - 2561-326X UR - https://formative.www.mybigtv.com/2022/10/e35538 UR - https://doi.org/10.2196/35538 UR - http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/36282559 DO - 10.2196/35538 ID - info:doi/10.2196/35538 ER -