TY - JOUR AU - Bao,洪昌AU - Baker, Christopher JO AU - Adisesh, Anil PY - 2020 DA - 20/8/5 TI -职称职业编码:加拿大国家职业分类(acca - noc) JO自动化编码算法的迭代开发- JMIR Form Res SP - e16422 VL - 4 IS - 8 KW -职业编码KW -自动化编码KW -职业健康KW -职称AB -背景:在许多研究中,社会决定因素的识别是一项重要的活动,特别是有关职业的信息经常被添加到现有的患者数据中。这些信息通常是在面试中询问的开放式问题,比如“你的工作是什么?”以及“你在哪个行业工作?”在能够使用这些信息进行进一步分析之前,需要使用编码系统对响应进行分类,例如加拿大国家职业分类(NOC)。手工编码是常用的方法,这是一种耗时且容易出错的活动,适合于自动化。目的:本研究旨在通过引入一种严格的算法来促进自动化编码,该算法将能够仅使用职位名称和行业信息作为输入来识别NOC(2016)代码。使用手动编码的数据集,我们试图对算法的性能进行基准测试和迭代改进。方法:我们开发了基于NOC(2016)的ACA-NOC算法,该算法允许用户将NOC代码与工作和行业头衔匹配。我们在ACA-NOC算法中采用了几种不同的搜索策略来寻找最佳匹配,包括精确搜索、小精确搜索、近似搜索、近(同阶)搜索、近(异阶)搜索、任意搜索和弱匹配搜索。此外,该算法采用基于NOC数据层次结构的滤波步骤来选择最佳匹配码。 Results: The ACA-NOC was applied to over 500 manually coded job and industry titles. The accuracy rate at the four-digit NOC code level was 58.7% (332/566) and improved when broader job categories were considered (65.0% at the three-digit NOC code level, 72.3% at the two-digit NOC code level, and 81.6% at the one-digit NOC code level). Conclusions: The ACA-NOC is a rigorous algorithm for automatically coding the Canadian NOC system and has been evaluated using real-world data. It allows researchers to code moderate-sized data sets with occupation in a timely and cost-efficient manner such that further analytics are possible. Initial assessments indicate that it has state-of-the-art performance and is readily extensible upon further benchmarking on larger data sets. SN - 2561-326X UR - https://formative.www.mybigtv.com/2020/8/e16422 UR - https://doi.org/10.2196/16422 UR - http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/32755893 DO - 10.2196/16422 ID - info:doi/10.2196/16422 ER -