杂志文章%@ 2561-326X %I JMIR Publicatio卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析ns %V 6 %N 9 %P说服设计对曝光通知应用程序采用的影响:基于COVID - 19警报%A Oyibo,Kiemute %A Morita,Plinio Pelegrini %+的定量研究,滑铁卢大学卫生学院公共卫生科学学院,滑铁卢大学西大学大道200号,加拿大,滑铁卢,N2L 3G1, 1 5198884567 ext 41372,plinio.morita@uwaterloo.ca %K接触追踪应用%K接触通知应用%K COVID-19警报%K劝说技术%K行为改变%K接触%K行为%K效果%K设计%K采用%K使用%K案例研究%K有效性%K用户界面%K手机%D 2022 %7 6.9.2022 %9原创论文%J JMIR表单Res %G英文%X背景:全球接触追踪应用的采用率一直很低。虽然已经对技术接受进行了大量的研究,但很少有研究表明纳入劝说性原则的好处。目的:本研究旨在通过关注无暴露状态、暴露状态和诊断报告界面,调查加拿大卫生部创建的COVID Alert应用程序中具有说服力的功能的效果。方法:我们对181名加拿大居民进行了研究,其中65名收养者和116名非收养者。本研究基于3个界面的截图,其中每个界面都包含一个劝说设计和一个控制设计。前两个界面的说服性版本支持自我监测(暴露水平),第三个界面的说服性版本支持社会学习(关于有多少其他用户报告了他们的诊断)。这6张截图被随机分配给6组参与者,以提供关于感知说服力和采用意愿的反馈。结果:多变量重复测量方差分析显示,界面、应用程序设计和采用状态之间存在交互作用,影响界面的感知说服力。 This resulted in a 2-way ANOVA for each interface. For the no-exposure interface, there was an interaction between adoption status and app design. Among adopters, there was no significant difference P=.31 between the persuasive design (mean 5.36, SD 1.63) and the control design (mean 5.87, SD 1.20). However, among nonadopters, there was an effect of app design (P<.001), with participants being more motivated by the persuasive design (mean 5.37, SD 1.30) than by the control design (mean 4.57, SD 1.19). For the exposure interface, adoption status had a main effect (P<.001), with adopters (mean 5.91, SD 1.01) being more motivated by the designs than nonadopters (mean 4.96, SD 1.43). For the diagnosis report interface, there was an interaction between adoption status and app design. Among nonadopters, there was no significant difference P=.99 between the persuasive design (mean 4.61, SD 1.84) and the control design (mean 4.77, SD 1.21). However, among adopters, there was an effect of app design (P=.006), with participants being more likely to report their diagnosis using the persuasive design (mean 6.00, SD 0.97) than using the control design (mean 5.03, SD 1.22). Finally, with regard to willingness to download the app, pairwise comparisons showed that nonadopters were more likely to adopt the app after viewing the persuasive version of the no-exposure interface (13/21, 62% said yes) and the diagnosis report interface (12/17, 71% said yes) than after viewing the control versions (3/17, 18% and 7/16, 44%, respectively, said yes). Conclusions: Exposure notification apps are more likely to be effective if equipped with persuasive features. Incorporating self-monitoring into the no-exposure status interface and social learning into the diagnosis report interface can increase adoption by >30%. %M 35580138 %R 10.2196/34212 %U https://formative.www.mybigtv.com/2022/9/e34212 %U https://doi.org/10.2196/34212 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/35580138