杂志文章@ 2561-326X %I JMIR出版物%V 6% N 8卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析% P e33309 %比较基于网络的场所,招募同性恋,双性恋和其他与男性发生性关系的男性,与巴西的大型艾滋病毒预防服务:评估研究%A Bezerra,Daniel Rodrigues Barros %A Jalil,Cristina Moreira %A Jalil,Emilia Moreira %A Coelho,Lara Esteves %A Netto,Eduardo Carvalheira %A Freitas,Josias %A Monteiro,Laylla %A Santos,Toni %A Souza,Cleo %A Hoagland,Brenda %A Veloso,Valdilea Gonçalves %A Grinsztejn,Beatriz %A Cardoso,Sandra Wagner %A Torres,Thiago Silva %+ Fundação Oswaldo Cruz,国家疾病研究所evandrochagas, Av Brasil 4365 Manguinhos,里约热内卢de Janeiro, 21040360, Brazil, 55 2138659623,thiago.torres@ini.fiocruz.br %K社交媒体%K网络招聘策略%K男性男性行为%K暴露前预防%K PrEP %K HIV预防%K巴西%K拉丁美洲%K HIV %D 2022 %7 4.8.2022 %9原始论文%J JMIR表格Res %G英文%X背景:在巴西广泛使用的互联网和移动电话可以用来传播艾滋病毒预防信息,并招募同性恋、双性恋和其他与男性发生性关系的男性(MSM)加入艾滋病毒预防服务。评估通过不同网络策略招募的男男性伴侣的特征以及估计其成本和在该国的收益的数据尚不存在。目的:我们旨在描述一个基于网络的招聘级联,比较在里约热内卢里约热内卢的一个大型艾滋病毒预防服务中招聘的MSM的特征,并估计每种策略的每个参与者的成本。方法:2018年3月至2019年10月,我们在地理社交网络(GSN)应用程序(Hornet和Grindr)和社交媒体(Facebook和Instagram)上推广广告。广告邀请观众联系一位同伴教育工作者,安排一次艾滋病预防服务的访问。基于网络招聘梯级的绩效是基于有多少MSM(1)被广告接触,(2)联系了同伴教育者,(3)参加了服务。我们使用卡方检验来比较通过GSN应用程序和社交媒体招募的MSM。 The estimated advertisement cost to recruit a participant was calculated by dividing total advertisement costs by number of participants who attended the service or initiated preexposure prophylaxis (PrEP). Results: Advertisement reached 1,477,344 individuals; 1270 MSM contacted the peer educator (86 contacts per 100,000 views)—564 (44.4%), 401 (31.6%) and 305 (24.0%)—through social media, Grindr, and Hornet. Among the 1270 individuals who contacted the peer educator, 36.3% (n=461) attended the service with similar proportion for each web-based strategy (social media: 203/564, 36.0%; Grindr: 152/401, 37.9%; and Hornet: 107/305, 35.1%). MSM recruited through GSN apps were older (mean age 30 years vs 26 years; P<.001), more frequently self-reported as White (111/247, 44.9% vs 62/191, 32.5%; P=.03), and had higher schooling level (postsecondary: 157/254, 61.8% vs 94/194, 48.5%; P=.007) than MSM recruited through social media. GSN apps recruited MSM with higher HIV risk as measured by PrEP eligibility (207/239, 86.6% vs 133/185, 71.9%; P<.001) compared with social media, but there was no difference in PrEP uptake between the two strategies (P=.22). The estimated advertisement costs per participant attending the HIV prevention service were US $28.36 for GSN apps and US $12.17 for social media. The estimated advertisement costs per participant engaging on PrEP were US $58.77 for GSN apps and US $27.75 for social media. Conclusions: Social media and GSN app advertisements were useful to disseminate information on HIV prevention strategies and to recruit MSM to a large HIV prevention service in Brazil. Compared to GSN apps, social media advertisements were less expensive and reached more vulnerable and younger MSM. Digital marketing campaigns should use different and complementary web-based venues to reach a plurality of MSM. %M 35925658 %R 10.2196/33309 %U https://formative.www.mybigtv.com/2022/8/e33309 %U https://doi.org/10.2196/33309 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/35925658