%0杂志文章%@ 2561-326X %I JMIR出版物%V 6% 卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析N 5% P e36541 %T开发一种用于理解精神分裂症患者社会比较过程的移动评估工具:两阶段调查研究%A Arigo,Danielle %A Torous,John %+罗文大学心理学系,201 Mullica Hill Road, Robinson 116G, Glassboro, NJ, 08028, usa, 1 8562564500 ext 53775, arigo@rowan.edu %K精神分裂症%K社会比较%K移动评估%K智能手机应用%K变动性%D 2022 %7 2.5.2022 %9原始论文%J JMIR Form Res %G英语%X背景:数字工具可能有助于解决精神分裂症患者的社交缺陷,特别是那些涉及社会比较过程的缺陷(即,相对于他人评估自己)。然而,人们对精神分裂症的社会比较过程知之甚少,也不知道如何最好地捕捉人与人之间和人与人之间的可变性,而这对于在数字干预中进行比较至关重要。目的:本试点研究的目标是:(1)使用有效的整体自我报告测量方法,更好地了解精神分裂症患者相对于健康对照组对社会比较的情感反应;(2)测试一种新的简短的、可移动的精神分裂症患者对社会比较的情感反应的评估,相对于完整的测量。本研究分两个阶段进行。方法:我们首先比较精神分裂症患者(n=39)和健康对照组(n=38)在2个时间点使用传统的自我报告测量方法对社会比较的自我报告的情感反应。我们检查了反应的时间稳定性和组间的差异。然后,我们评估了精神分裂症患者在12周内完成的简短的、移动的比较反应评估的表现(n=31)。 Results: Individuals with schizophrenia showed greater variability in affective responses to social comparison than controls on traditional measures and completed an average of 7.46 mobile assessments over 12 weeks. Mobile assessments captured within-person variability in affective responses in the natural environment (intraclass correlation coefficients of 0.40-0.60). Average scores for mobile assessments were positively correlated with responses to traditional measures. Conclusions: Affective responses to social comparison vary both between and within individuals with schizophrenia and capturing this variability via smartphone surveys shows some evidence of feasibility. As affective variability is a potential indicator of poor outcomes among individuals with mental health conditions, in the future, a brief, mobile assessment of affective responses to social comparisons may be useful for screening among individuals with schizophrenia. Further research on this process is needed to identify when specific comparison messaging may be most effective in digital interventions and could suggest new therapeutic targets for illnesses such as schizophrenia. %M 35499856 %R 10.2196/36541 %U https://formative.www.mybigtv.com/2022/5/e36541 %U https://doi.org/10.2196/36541 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/35499856