I JMIR出版物一个以老兵为中心的基于web的肺癌筛查决策辅助:卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析可用性分析%A Schapira,Marilyn M . A Chhatre,Sumedha Prigge,Jason M . A Meline,Jessica Kaminstein,Dana Rodriguez,Keri L . A Fraenkel,Liana Kravetz,Jeffrey D . A Whittle,Jeff Bastian,Lori A . Vachani,Anil A Akers,Scott A Schrand,Susan Ibarra,Jennifer V . A Asan,Onur健康公平研究和推广中心,Michael J Crescenz VA医疗中心,美国宾夕法尼亚州费城19104,1 2158982022,mschap@pennmedicine.upenn.edu %K肺癌筛查%K决策辅助%K可用性%K实施%K癌症筛查%K共享决策%K退伍军人%K患者参与%K手机%D 2022 %7 8.4.2022 %9原始论文%J JMIR表单Res %G英文%X背景:为促进共享决策(SDM)过程而开发的基于网络的工具可能促进肺癌筛查(LCS)的实施,这是一种以证据为基础的干预措施,以改善癌症结果。退伍军人有特定的风险因素和共同的经验,影响LCS的好处和潜在的危害,因此可能重视以退伍军人为中心的LCS决策工具(LCSDecTool)。目的:本研究旨在对在退伍军人事务医疗中心接受护理的退伍军人设计的LCSDecTool进行可用性测试。方法:LCSDecTool的可用性测试分为原型版本(第一阶段)和高保真版本(第二阶段),共有18名退伍军人和8名临床医生参加了第一阶段,43名退伍军人参加了第二阶段。来自用户的定量结果包括第一阶段的系统可用性量表(SUS)和最终用户计算满意度(EUCS),第二阶段的SUS、EUCS和患者参与量表。定性数据从用户会话和简短访谈的观察中获得。第一阶段的结果为高保真版本的原型的修改提供了信息。第二阶段可用性测试是在第一类有效性-实施混合试验的背景下进行的。 Results: In the phase 1 prototype usability testing, the mean SUS score (potential range: 0-100) was 81.90 (SD 9.80), corresponding to an excellent level of usability. The mean EUCS score (potential range: 1-5) was 4.30 (SD 0.71). In the phase 2 high-fidelity usability testing, the mean SUS score was 65.76 (SD 15.23), corresponding to a good level of usability. The mean EUCS score was 3.91 (SD 0.95); and the mean Patient Engagement scale score (potential range 1 [low] to 5 [high]) was 4.62 (SD 0.67). The median time to completion in minutes was 13 (IQR 10-16). A thematic analysis of user statements documented during phase 2 high-fidelity usability testing identified the following themes: a low baseline level of awareness and knowledge about LCS increased after use of the LCSDecTool; users sought more detailed descriptions about the LCS process; the LCSDecTool was generally easy to use, but specific navigation challenges remained; some users noted difficulty understanding medical terms used in the LCSDecTool; and use of the tool evoked veterans’ struggles with prior attempts at smoking cessation. Conclusions: Our findings support the development and use of this eHealth technology in the primary care clinical setting as a way to engage veterans, inform them about a new cancer control screening test, and prepare them to participate in an SDM discussion with their provider. %M 35394433 %R 10.2196/29039 %U https://formative.www.mybigtv.com/2022/4/e29039 %U https://doi.org/10.2196/29039 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/35394433