基于移动健康应用程序的抑郁症反刍干预(RuminAid)的开发:卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析混合方法焦点小组评估%A Rosenfeld,Eve %A Lyman,Cassondra %A Roberts,John E %+国家创伤后应激障碍中心,VA Palo Alto医疗保健系统,NCPTSD - 334, 795 Willow Road, Menlo Park, CA, 94025, United States, 1988,907 4135,earosenf@stanford.edu %K抑郁%K反思%K移动健康%K移动健康%K循证治疗%K焦点小组%K心理健康%K移动应用程序%K手机%D 2022 %7 13.12.2022 %9背景:抑郁症是一种常见的心理健康状况,对公共卫生造成了重大负担。抑郁症有有效的治疗方法;然而,获得循证护理的机会仍然有限。移动医疗(mHealth)应用程序提供了改善访问的途径。然而,很少有移动健康应用程序通过循证治疗获得信息,在传播之前进行经验评估的就更少了。为了解决这一差距,我们开发了RuminAid,这是一款移动健康应用程序,它使用循证治疗组件,通过针对一个关键的抑郁诱发过程-反刍来减少抑郁症。目的:本研究的主要目的是在软件开发阶段之前收集定性和定量反馈,以改进RuminAid的设计。方法:我们回顾了实证支持的抑郁症和反刍干预措施,并利用每个干预措施的关键方面创建了一个故事板版本的RuminAid。 We distributed an audio-guided presentation of the RuminAid storyboard to 22 individuals for viewing and solicited user feedback on app content, design, and perceived functionality across 7 focus group sessions. Results: The consumer-rated quality of the storyboard version of RuminAid was in the acceptable to good range. Indeed, most participants reported that they thought RuminAid would be an engaging, functional, and informational app. Likewise, they endorsed overwhelming positive beliefs about the perceived impact of RuminAid; specifically, 96% (21/22) believed that RuminAid will help depressed ruminators with depression and rumination. Nevertheless, the results highlighted the need for improved app aesthetics (eg, a more appealing color scheme and modern design). Conclusions: Focus group members reported that the quality of information was quite good and had the potential to help adults who struggle with depression and rumination but expressed concern that poor aesthetics would interfere with users’ desire to continue using the app. To address these comments, we hired a graphic designer and redesigned each screen to improve visual appeal. We also removed time gating from the app based on participant feedback and findings from related research. These changes helped elevate RuminAid and informed its initial software build for a pilot trial that focused on evaluating its feasibility and acceptability. %M 36512400 %R 10.2196/40045 %U https://formative.www.mybigtv.com/2022/12/e40045 %U https://doi.org/10.2196/40045 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/36512400