在埃塞俄比亚和卢旺达建立一个以数字学习、数字健康素养和营养促进专业发展卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析为重点的可持续发展目标网络项目;一种教学方法的发展% a Bälter,Katarina % a Javan Abraham,Feben % a Mutimukwe,Chantal % a Mugisha,Reuben % a Persson Osowski,Christine % a Bälter,Olle %+ Mälardalen大学卫生、保健和社会福利学院公共卫生系,Universitetsplan 1, Västerås, 72220,瑞典,46 021151753,katarina.balter@mdu.se %K数字学习%K数字健康素养%K可持续发展目标%K公共卫生%K营养%K基于问题的学习%K开放学习倡议%K卢旺达%K埃塞俄比亚%D 2022 %7 5.12.2022 %9原文%J JMIR表格Res %G英语%X东非国家面临着与可持续发展目标相关的重大社会挑战,但解决这些问题的资源有限,包括缺乏营养专家和卫生保健工作者,获得物理和数字基础设施的机会有限,缺乏先进的教育计划和持续的专业发展。目的:本研究旨在开发一个基于网络的可持续发展项目,重点关注数字学习、数字健康素养和儿童营养,目标是埃塞俄比亚和卢旺达非政府组织(ngo)的政府官员和决策者。方法:一个基于网络的项目——onelearning(营养和可持续发展领导者在线教育)——采用基于问题的学习方法。这是一种基于研究的教学方法,是在美国卡内基梅隆大学的开放学习倡议中发展起来的。参与者是在2020年秋季从卫生部、教育部、农业部以及以公共卫生、营养和教育为使命的非政府组织中招募的。该项目于2021年春季进行。结果:在70名申请者中,有25名(36%)被选中并在整个项目中保持活跃,并填写了评估前和评估后的问卷。 After the program, of the 25 applicants, 20 (80%, 95% CI 64%-96%) participants reported that their capacity to drive change related to the sustainable development goals as well as child nutrition in their organizations had increased to large extent or to a very large extent. Furthermore, 17 (68%, 95% CI 50%-86%) and 18 (72%, 95% CI 54%-90%) participants reported that their capacity to drive change related to digital health literacy and digital learning had increased to a large extent and to a very large extent, respectively. Conclusions: Digital learning based on a question-based learning methodology was perceived as a useful method for increasing the capacity to drive change regarding sustainable development among government officials and decision-makers at NGOs in Ethiopia and Rwanda. %M 36469416 %R 10.2196/36585 %U https://formative.www.mybigtv.com/2022/12/e36585 %U https://doi.org/10.2196/36585 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/36469416