在2019冠状病毒病大流行期间,阿根廷两个城市使用Facebook进行卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析糖尿病教育的两种电子学习模式:定性研究%A Moyano,Daniela Luz %A Lopez,María Victoria %A Cavallo,Ana %A Candia,Julia Patricia %A Kaen,Aaron %A Irazola,Vilma %A Beratarrechea,Andrea %+临床效果和卫生政策研究所慢性疾病研究部门,Emilio Ravignani博士2024,布宜诺斯艾利斯,C1414CPV,阿根廷,54 114777767,dmoyano@iecs.org.ar %K COVID-19 %K社交媒体%K糖尿病%K公共卫生%K定性研究%K COVID-19大流行%K教学和学习环境%K在线学习%K电子健康素养%D 2022 %7 16.11.2022 %9背景:阿根廷实施的COVID-19大流行和禁闭产生了实施创新工具以加强糖尿病护理的需求。糖尿病自我管理教育(DSME)是糖尿病护理的核心内容;然而,由于COVID-19的限制,面对面的糖尿病教育活动暂停。在这方面,社交网络发挥了重要作用,在阿根廷的两个城市提供了DSME,并帮助糖尿病患者进行日常自我管理。目的:本研究的目的是通过2019冠状病毒病大流行期间阿根廷2个城市的糖尿病教育会议帖子内容,评估使用社交媒体平台Facebook的两种糖尿病教育模式(同步和异步)。方法:在本定性研究中,我们利用阿根廷查科和拉里奥哈公共卫生机构的Facebook页面,在禁闭的背景下,探索了2种糖尿病教育的电子学习模式(同步和异步)。对社交媒体指标和用户发布的信息内容进行了分析。结果:共分析短信332条。 We found that in the asynchronous modality, there was a higher number of visualizations, while in the synchronous modality, there were more posts and interactions between educators and users. We also observed that the number of views increased when primary care clinics were incorporated as disseminators, sharing educational videos from the sessions via social media. Positive aspects were observed in the posts, consisting of messages of thanks and, to a lesser extent, reaffirmations, reflections or personal experiences, and consultations related to the subject treated. Another relevant finding was that the educator/moderator role had a greater presence in the synchronous modality, where posts were based on motivation for participation, help to resolve connectivity problems, and answers to specific user queries. Conclusions: Our findings show positive contributions of an educational intervention for diabetes care using the social media platform Facebook in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. Although each modality (synchronous vs asynchronous) could have differential and particular advantages, we believe that these strategies have potential to be replicated and adapted to other contexts. However, more documented experiences are needed to explore their sustainability and long-term impact from the users' perspective. %M 36322794 %R 10.2196/38862 %U https://formative.www.mybigtv.com/2022/11/e38862 %U https://doi.org/10.2196/38862 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/36322794