在服务不足的农村社区为老年人提供农村远程医疗;卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析焦点小组研究%A Hunter,Inga %A Lockhart,Caroline %A Rao,Vasudha %A Tootell,Beth %A Wong,Samuel %+梅西大学梅西商学院管理学院,新西兰,4410,Palmerston North, tenent Drive, 3楼BSC, 64 6 356 9099转84913,I.Hunter@massey.ac.nz %K获取%K选择%K信任%K远程医疗%K农村%K障碍%K使能者%K服务不足人群%K服务不足人群%K权益%K老年人%K电子健康%K远程医疗%K障碍%K使能者%K促进者%K焦点小组%D在COVID-19大流行期间,远程医疗经常被建议用于改善医疗保健的可及性,并在全球范围内进行了重大宣传。然而,有限的研究调查了农村社区等服务不足人群的远程保健需求。目的:本研究旨在调查服务不足的农村人口使用远程医疗的推动因素,以改善农村老年人获得医疗保健的机会。方法:在4个不同的服务不足的农村社区共进行了7次焦点小组讨论和13次个人访谈。共有98名年龄≥55岁的成年人参与。与会者被问及他们是否使用过远程保健,他们如何看待社区保健服务需求的演变,远程保健如何有助于提供这些服务,以及他们如何看待农村社区老年人远程保健的障碍和促进因素。对焦点小组记录进行主题分析。结果:许多参与者一开始并不理解远程医疗这一术语,需要解释。 Those who had used telehealth reported positive experiences (time and cost savings) and were likely to use telehealth again. A total of 2 main themes were identified through an equity lens. The first theme was trust, with 3 subthemes—trust in the telehealth technology, trust in the user (consumer and health provider), and trust in the health system. Having access to reliable and affordable internet connectivity and digital devices was a key enabler for telehealth use. Most rural areas had intermittent and unreliable internet connectivity. Another key enabler is easy access to user support. Trust in the health system focused on waiting times, lack of and/or delayed communication and coordination, and cost. The second theme was choice, with 3 subthemes—health service access, consultation type, and telehealth deployment. Access to health services through telehealth needs to be culturally appropriate and enable access to currently limited or absent services such as mental health and specialist services. Accessing specialist care through telehealth was extremely popular, although some participants preferred to be seen in person. A major enabler for telehealth was telehealth deployment by a fixed community hub or on a mobile bus, with support available, particularly when combined with non–health-related services such as internet banking. Conclusions: Overall, participants were keen on the idea of telehealth. Several barriers and enablers were identified, particularly trust and choice. The term telehealth is not well understood. The unreliable and expensive connectivity options available to rural communities have limited telehealth experience to phone or patient portal use for those with connectivity. Having the opportunity to try telehealth, particularly by using video, would increase the understanding and acceptance of telehealth. This study highlights that local rural communities need to be involved in designing telehealth services within their communities. %M 36331533 %R 10.2196/35864 %U https://formative.www.mybigtv.com/2022/11/e35864 %U https://doi.org/10.2196/35864 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/36331533