%0杂志文章%@ 2561-326X %I JMIR出版物%V 6% 卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析N 10% P e40726% T理解青少年心理健康应用程序:与拉丁裔青年的焦点小组研究%A Agapie,Elena %A Chang,Katherine %A Patrachari,Sneha %A Neary,Martha %A Schueller,Stephen M %+加州大学欧文分校心理科学系,4201社会与行为科学网关,欧文,加州,92697,美国,1 949 824 3850,s.schueller@uci.edu % K心理健康% K心理健康应用% K青年% K孩子% K少年% K焦点小组设计“以人为本”% K移动健康% % K K mHealth % K健康应用% K认知行为疗法% K CBT % K角度% K定性% K正念% K健康应用% K数字卫生工具% K拉丁裔% K Latinx % K手机% D原始论文7 18.10.2022 % 9 2022% % J JMIR形式Res % G英语% X背景:越来越多的心理健康应用程序(MHapps)正在开发的青年。此外,年轻人是技术和MHapps的高用户。然而,我们对他们对MHapps的看法知之甚少。MHapps可能特别适合于接触到传统精神卫生资源服务不足的年轻人,结合他们的观点对确保这些工具对他们有用特别重要。目的:本研究的目标是开发和试点一个过程,以结构化和协作的方式引出年轻人对MHapps的看法。我们还试图从拉丁裔青年对MHapps的看法以及它们在促进MHapps的发现、激活或参与方面的使用方面获得经验,特别是在拉丁裔人群中。方法:我们创建了由5个会议组成的一系列焦点小组。这些小组介绍了不同类别的MHapps(认知行为治疗应用程序、正念应用程序和其他应用程序)。 Within each category, we selected 4 MHapps that participants chose to use for a week and provided feedback through both between-session and in-session activities. We recruited 5 youths ranging in age from 15 to 21 (mean 18, SD 2.2) years. All the participants identified as Hispanic or Latinx. After completing all 5 focus groups, the participants completed a brief questionnaire to gather their impressions of the apps they had used. Results: Our focus group methodology collected detailed and diverse information about youth perspectives on MHapps. However, we did identify some aspects of our methods that were less successful at engaging the youth, such as our between-session activities. The Latinx youth in our study wanted apps that were accessible, relatable, youth centric, and simple and could be integrated with their offline lives. We also found that the mindfulness apps were viewed most favorably but that the miscellaneous and cognitive behavioral therapy apps were viewed as more impactful. Conclusions: Eliciting youth feedback on MHapps is critical if these apps are going to serve a role in supporting their mental health and well-being. We refined a process for collecting feedback from the youth and identified factors that were important to a set of Latinx youth. Future work could be broader, that is, recruit larger samples of more diverse youth, or deeper, that is, collect more information from each youth around interests, needs, barriers, or facilitators or better understand the various impacts of MHapps by using qualitative and quantitative measures. Nevertheless, this study advances the formative understanding of how the youth, particularly Latinx youth, might be viewing these tools. %M 36256835 %R 10.2196/40726 %U https://formative.www.mybigtv.com/2022/10/e40726 %U https://doi.org/10.2196/40726 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/36256835