%0期刊文章%@ 2561-326X %I JMIR出版物%V 5% 卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析N 7% P e24634 %T ehealth支持的儿科哮喘护理的可行性、有效性和效率:6个月准实验单臂前测-后测研究%A van der Kamp,Mattienne %A Reimering Hartgerink,Pamela %A Driessen,Jean %A Thio,Bernard %A Hermens, hermee %A Tabak,Monique %+儿科,meddisch Spectrum Twente, Koningsplein 1, Enschede, 7512KZ, Netherlands, 31 534872310,mattienne@gmail.com %K远程医疗%K可行性研究%K儿童%K自我管理%K哮喘%K患者接受医疗保健%K门诊护理%K遥感技术%K成本效益分析%K医疗保健费用%D 2021 %7 26.7.2021 %9原始论文%J JMIR表格Res %G英文%X背景:早期发现哮喘失控可以有效减轻疾病负担。然而,到目前为止,尚未在临床实践中广泛实施。我们需要研究电子健康儿科哮喘护理在实践中的操作化,这可以在采用、效率和有效性方面提供最潜在的好处。目的:本研究的目的是探讨在儿童哮喘日常临床实践中实施电子健康计划的技术和临床可行性,包括疗效和成本效益的探索。方法:我们设计了一个ehealth支持的儿科哮喘项目,促进哮喘失控的早期发现,同时提高症状意识和自我管理。在为期6个月的项目中,4名卫生保健专业人员(HCPs)通过客观的家庭测量和基于web的Puffer应用程序来监测哮喘控制情况,以便及时进行医疗预测并防止治疗延误。技术可行性由技术使用、系统可用性和技术接受度来评估。临床可行性通过参与和患者报告的健康和护理结果进行评估,并通过与保健cps的焦点小组讨论其在日常实践中实施电子健康的经验。 The efficacy and cost-efficiency were explored by comparing pretest-posttest program differences in asthma outcomes (asthma control, lung function, and therapy adherence) and medical consumption. Results: Of 41 children, 35 children with moderate-to-severe asthma volunteered for participation. With regard to technical feasibility, the Puffer app scored a good usability score of 78 on the System Usability Scale and a score of 70 for technology acceptance on a scale of 1 to 100. Approximately 75% (18/24) of the children indicated that eHealth helped them to control their asthma during the program. HCPs indicated that home measurements and real time communication enabled them to make safe and substantiated medical decisions during symptom manifestations. With an average time commitment of 15 minutes by patients, eHealth care led to a 80% gross reduction (from €71,784 to €14,018, US $1=€0.85) in health care utilization, 8.6% increase (from 18.6 to 20.2, P=.40) in asthma control, 25.0% increase (from 2.8 to 3.5, P=.04) in the self-management level, and 20.4% improved (from 71.2 to 76.8, P=.02) therapy adherence. Conclusions: eHealth asthma care seems to be technically and clinically feasible, enables safe remote care, and seems to be beneficial for pediatric asthma care in terms of health outcomes and health care utilization. Follow-up research should focus on targeted effectiveness studies with the lessons learned, while also enabling individualization of eHealth for personalized health care. %M 34309568 %R 10.2196/24634 %U https://formative.www.mybigtv.com/2021/7/e24634 %U https://doi.org/10.2196/24634 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/34309568