I JMIR出版物基于智能手机的双相情感障碍患者自我管理干预(Live卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析Well):提供自适应用户反馈的专家系统协议开发%A Goulding,Evan H %A Dopke,Cynthia A %A Michaels,Tania %A Martin,Clair R %A Khiani,Monika A %A Garborg,Christopher %A Karr,Chris %A Begale,Mark %+西北大学范伯格医学院精神病学和行为科学系,美国芝加哥60611东芝加哥街303号7-102室,1 312 503 1189,e-goulding@fsm.northwestern.edu自适应%K个性化%K自我管理%K智能手机%K行为干预技术%K mHealth %K双相情感障碍%K抑郁%K躁狂%D 2021 %7 24.12.2021 %9原论文%J JMIR Form Res %G英文%X背景:双相情感障碍是一种严重的精神疾病,导致显著的发病率和死亡率。虽然药物治疗是主要的治疗,辅助心理治疗可以改善结果。然而,获得治疗的途径是有限的。智能手机和其他技术可以增加对增强自我管理的治疗策略的获取,同时通过向用户提供自适应的内容传递和向提供者提供警报来增强护理,以促进临床护理沟通。不幸的是,虽然正在开发和测试适应性干预措施以改善护理,但描述适应性干预措施组成部分的信息往往没有足够详细地公布,以促进这些干预措施的复制和改进。目的:为了促进和支持基于技术的心理健康干预的改进和传播,我们提供了LiveWell(一种基于智能手机的双相情感障碍自我管理干预)的专家系统的详细描述,用于自适应地传递内容和促进临床护理沟通。方法:从经验支持的双相情感障碍心理疗法、健康心理行为改变理论和慢性疾病自我管理模型中获取的信息,结合以用户为中心的设计数据和精神病医生反馈,指导专家系统的开发。结果:根据药物依从性、睡眠时间、日常和健康水平的自我报告数据,每天和每周选择决定干预选项适应时间的决策点。 These data were selected for use as the tailoring variables determining which intervention options to deliver when and to whom. Decision rules linking delivery of options and tailoring variable thresholds were developed based on existing literature regarding bipolar disorder clinical status and psychiatrist feedback. To address the need for treatment adaptation with varying clinical statuses, decision rules for a clinical status state machine were developed using self-reported wellness rating data. Clinical status from this state machine was incorporated into hierarchal decision tables that select content for delivery to users and alerts to providers. The majority of the adaptive content addresses sleep duration, medication adherence, managing signs and symptoms, building and utilizing support, and keeping a regular routine, as well as determinants underlying engagement in these target behaviors as follows: attitudes and perceptions, knowledge, support, evaluation, and planning. However, when problems with early warning signs, symptoms, and transitions to more acute clinical states are detected, the decision rules shift the adaptive content to focus on managing signs and symptoms, and engaging with psychiatric providers. Conclusions: Adaptive mental health technologies have the potential to enhance the self-management of mental health disorders. The need for individuals with bipolar disorder to engage in the management of multiple target behaviors and to address changes in clinical status highlights the importance of detailed reporting of adaptive intervention components to allow replication and improvement of adaptive mental health technologies for complex mental health problems. %M 34951598 %R 10.2196/32932 %U https://formative.www.mybigtv.com/2021/12/e32932 %U https://doi.org/10.2196/32932 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/34951598