以家长为中心的人乳头瘤病毒疫苗数字化行为改变干预的信息内容和特征设计卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析基于同步文本的焦点小组研究%A Becker,Elisabeth RB %A Shegog,Ross %A Savas,Lara S %A Frost,Erica L %A Healy,C Mary %A Spinner,Stanley W %A Vernon,Sally W %+德克萨斯大学休斯顿健康科学中心,休斯顿,德克萨斯州,77030,美国,17135004472,elisabeth.becker@uth.tmc.edu %K人乳头瘤病毒%K疫苗接种%K定性%K焦点群体%K性传播感染%D 2021 %7 19.11.2021 %9背景:人乳头瘤病毒(HPV)是一种常见的、可预防的性传播感染;然而,美国的目标年龄组(11-12岁)的疫苗接种率低于国家目标。解决疫苗接种障碍和促进疫苗接种的干预措施对于提高HPV疫苗接种率非常重要。基于网络的、基于文本的焦点小组正在成为一种很有前途的方法,它可能非常适合进行形成性研究,为设计涉及HPV疫苗接种决策的数字行为改变干预(DBCI)内容和特征提供信息。目的:本研究旨在利用基于网络、基于文本的焦点小组协议,探讨父母HPV疫苗接种决策过程,以告知HPV预防DBCI的内容和特征建议。方法:我们通过Skype与美国大型城市儿科诊所网络中11-13岁患者的父母进行了4个基于网络、基于文本的同步焦点小组。结果:22名父母多为女性,白人,非西班牙裔大学毕业生,他们大多为孩子购买了私人医疗保险。大约一半(14/ 25,56 %)的父母的11-13岁的孩子已经开始接种HPV疫苗。 Most parents had experience using Skype (19/22, 86%). Approximately half (8/17, 47%) of parents expressed no preference for the focus group format, whereas 47% (8/17) requested a text-only chat format and 6% (1/17) requested an audiovisual format. The three main themes from the qualitative data were barriers to HPV vaccination, facilitators of HPV vaccination, and suggestions for improving the HPV vaccination clinic experience. A total of 11 intervention content and feature recommendations emerged from the themes, including addressing HPV knowledge barriers using trusted sources, designing for a family audience, focusing on the framing of messages, reporting reputable HPV research in a comprehensible format, and expanding the clinic visit experience. Conclusions: Synchronous text-based focus groups are feasible for conducting formative research on HPV vaccination decision-making. Among well-educated and well-resourced parents, there are barriers such as misinformation and facilitators such as pediatrician recommendations that influence HPV vaccination decision-making. Parents want to conduct their own HPV research as well as receive relevant HPV vaccination advice from their child’s pediatrician. In addition, parents want an enhanced clinic visit experience that lets them access and connect to tailored information before and after clinic visits. The results gathered provide guidance for content and features that may inform a more responsive DBCI to address HPV vaccination decision-making among parents. %M 34806991 %R 10.2196/28846 %U https://formative.www.mybigtv.com/2021/11/e28846 %U https://doi.org/10.2196/28846 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/34806991