@文章{info:doi/10.2196/34087,作者="El Ayadi, Alison M和Duggal, Mona和Bagga, Rashmi和Singh, Pushpendra和Kumar, Vijay和Ahuja, Alka和Kankaria, Ankita和Hosapatna Basavarajappa, Darshan和Kaur, Jasmeet和Sharma, Preetika和Gupta, Swati和Pendse, Ruchita S和Weil, Laura和swendman, Dallas和Diamond-Smith, Nadia G",标题="改善印度北部产后健康的流动教育和社会支持团体干预:“开发与可用性研究”,期刊=“JMIR Form Res”,年=“2022”,月=“月”,日=“29”,卷=“6”,数=“6”,页=“e34087”,关键词=“mHealth;组织护理;产后;产后;产前;印度;试点;背景:结构和文化障碍限制了印度妇女获得充分的产后护理和支持,尽管这对孕产妇和新生儿健康很重要。通过流动卫生干预进行有针对性的产后教育和支持,可改善产后恢复、新生儿护理做法、营养状况、知识和求医以及心理健康。 Objective: We sought to understand the feasibility and acceptability of our first pilot phase, a flexible 6-week postnatal mobile health intervention delivered to 3 groups of women in Punjab, India, and adapt our intervention for our next pilot phase, which will formally assess intervention feasibility, acceptability, and preliminary efficacy. Methods: Our intervention prototype was designed to deliver culturally tailored educational programming via a provider-moderated, voice- and text-based group approach to connect new mothers with a social support group of other new mothers, increase their health-related communication with providers, and refer them to care needed. We targeted deployment using feature phones to include participants from diverse socioeconomic groups. We held moderated group calls weekly, disseminated educational audios, and created SMS text messaging groups. We varied content delivery, group discussion participation, and chat moderation. Three groups of postpartum women from Punjab were recruited for the pilot through community health workers. Sociodemographic data were collected at baseline. Intervention feasibility and acceptability were assessed through weekly participant check-ins (N=29), weekly moderator reports, structured end-line in-depth interviews among a subgroup of participants (15/29, 52{\%}), and back-end technology data. Results: The participants were aged 24 to 28 years and 1 to 3 months postpartum. Of the 29 participants, 17 (59{\%}) had their own phones. Half of the participants (14/29, 48{\%}) attended ≥3 of the 6 calls; the main barriers were childcare and household responsibilities and network or phone issues. Most participants were very satisfied with the intervention (16/19, 84{\%}) and found the educational content (20/20, 100{\%}) and group discussions (17/20, 85{\%}) very useful. The participants used the SMS text messaging chat, particularly when facilitator-moderated. Sustaining participation and fostering group interactions was limited by technological and sociocultural challenges. Conclusions: The intervention was considered generally feasible and acceptable, and protocol adjustments were identified to improve intervention delivery and engagement. To address technological issues, we engaged a cloud-based service provider for group calls and an interactive voice response service provider for educational recordings and developed a smartphone app for the participants. We seek to overcome sociocultural challenges through new strategies for increasing group engagement, including targeting midlevel female community health care providers as moderators. Our second pilot will assess intervention feasibility, acceptability, and preliminary effectiveness at 6 months. Ultimately, we seek to support the health and well-being of postpartum women and their infants in South Asia and beyond through the development of efficient, acceptable, and effective intervention strategies. ", issn="2561-326X", doi="10.2196/34087", url="https://formative.www.mybigtv.com/2022/6/e34087", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/34087", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/35767348" }