@文章{信息:doi/10.2196/28025,作者=“Schroeder, Tanja和Haug, Maximilian和Gewald, Heiko”,标题=“使用mHealth应用程序和智能扬声器的数据隐私问题:成年成年人的比较访谈研究”,期刊=“JMIR Form Res”,年=“2022”,月=“Jun”,日=“13”,卷=“6”,数=“6”,页=“e28025”,关键词=“数据隐私问题;隐私悖论;移动健康应用;聪明的演讲者;成熟的人;背景:移动健康(mHealth)应用程序和智能音箱等新技术大量使用敏感的个人数据。用户通常意识到这一点,并表达了对他们的数据隐私的担忧。然而,许多人使用这些技术,尽管他们认为他们的数据没有得到很好的保护。这引起了人们对敏感健康数据的特别关注。目的:本研究旨在更好地了解使用新技术的成年人对数据隐私的担忧,并深入了解他们的数据隐私期望和相关风险,以及用户在两种不同数据环境下的相应行动:移动健康应用程序和智能音箱。 Methods: This exploratory research adopted a qualitative approach, engaging with 20 mature adults (aged >45 years). In a 6-month test period, 10 (50{\%}) participants used a smart speaker and 10 (50{\%}) participants used an mHealth app. In interviews conducted before and after the test period, we assessed the influence of data privacy concerns on technology acceptance, use behavior, and continued use intention. Results: Our results show that although participants are generally aware of the need to protect their data privacy, they accept the risk of misuse of their private data when using the technology. Surprisingly, the most frequently stated risk was not the misuse of personal health data but the fear of receiving more personalized advertisements. Similarly, surprisingly, our results indicate that participants value recorded verbal data higher than personal health data. Conclusions: Older adults are initially concerned about risks to their data privacy associated with using data-intensive technologies, but those concerns diminish fairly quickly, culminating in resignation. We find that participants do not differentiate between risky behaviors, depending on the type of private data used by different technologies. ", issn="2561-326X", doi="10.2196/28025", url="https://formative.www.mybigtv.com/2022/6/e28025", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/28025", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/35699993" }