@Article{info:doi/10.2196/41735,作者=“Donovan, Gemma and Hall, Nicola and Smith, Felicity and Ling, Jonathan and Wilkes, Scott”,标题=“基于名义群技术发展的社区药房双向自动短信支持:以人为本的设计”,期刊=“JMIR Form Res”,年=“2022”,月=“Dec”,日=“21”,卷=“6”,数=“12”,页=“e41735”,关键词=“服药坚持”;短信;以人为中心的设计;复杂的干预;,摘要=“背景:对数字通信技术的回顾表明,它们可以有效地支持药物使用;然而,它们与非数字组件一起使用的情况尚不清楚。我们还探讨了在一个相对新颖的社区药房环境中提供数字通信干预措施,以及如何将这种干预措施提供给患有多种长期疾病的患者。这意味着,尽管文献中有大量的干预例子,但设计问题仍然存在,我们希望与关键利益相关者一起探索。缺乏如何让利益攸关方参与设计复杂卫生保健干预措施的实例;然而,以人为本的设计(HCD)被认为是一种潜在的方法。 Objective: This study aimed to design a new community pharmacy text messaging intervention to support medication use for multiple long-term conditions, with patient and health care professional stakeholders in primary care. Methods: HCD was used to map the intervention ``journey'' and identify design questions to explore with patients and health care professionals. Six prototypes were developed to communicate the intervention concept, and a modified version of the Nominal Group Technique was used to gather feedback. Nominal group meetings generated qualitative data using questions about the aspects that participants liked for each prototype and any suggested changes. The discussion was analyzed using a framework approach to transform feedback into statements. These statements were then ranked using a web-based questionnaire to establish a consensus about what elements of the design were valued by stakeholders and what changes to the design were most important. Results: A total of 30 participants provided feedback on the intervention design concept over 5 nominal group meetings (21 health care professionals and 9 patients) with a 57{\%} (17/30) response rate to the ranking questionnaire. Furthermore, 51 proposed changes in the intervention were generated from the framework analysis. Of these 51 changes, 27 (53{\%}) were incorporated into the next design stage, focusing on changes that were ranked highest. These included suggestions for how text message content might be tailored, patient information materials, and the structure for pharmacist consultation. All aspects that the participants liked were retained in the future design and provided evidence that the proposed intervention concept had good acceptability. Conclusions: HCD incorporating the Nominal Group Technique is an appropriate and successful approach for obtaining feedback from key stakeholders as part of an iterative design process. This was particularly helpful for our intervention, which combined digital and nondigital components for delivery in the novel setting of a community pharmacy. This approach enabled the collection and prioritization of useful multiperspective feedback to inform further development and testing of our intervention. This model has the potential to minimize research waste by gathering feedback early in the complex intervention design process. ", issn="2561-326X", doi="10.2196/41735", url="https://formative.www.mybigtv.com/2022/12/e41735", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/41735", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/36542458" }