@文章{信息:doi/10.2196/26925,作者=“Khusial, Rishi和van Koppen, Sophia和Honkoop, Persijn和rijssenbek - nouwens, Lucia和Fieten, Karin Berthine和Keij, Sascha和drijer - messelink, Marieke和Sont, Jacob”,标题=“患者和医疗保健提供者对重度哮喘高海拔气候治疗后移动健康使用的看法:混合方法研究”,期刊=“JMIR Form Res”,年=“2022”,月=“11”,日=“22”,卷=“6”,数=“11”,页=“e26925”,关键词=“eHealth;移动健康;移动健康;哮喘;自我管理;家庭监控;摘要:背景:哮喘是一种常见的慢性疾病,临床表现多种多样。虽然大多数患者能够达到良好的哮喘控制,但一些患者不能按照常规治疗指南达到充分的哮喘控制,可以参考高原气候疗法(HACT)。HACT包括高山气候环境触发避免与多学科临床治疗。在海拔高度无法达到哮喘控制水平的重症、难治性哮喘患者,可在海拔1600米进行为期12周的肺部康复治疗。 Mobile health (mHealth) tools can be used to enhance self-management in these patients when they return home. For an mHealth system to be effective, it must meet the expectations of the end users. Objective: In this Davos@home study, we explored the attitudes toward mHealth aimed at supporting the self-management of patients with severe, difficult-to-control asthma who underwent HACT and asthma health care providers. Methods: In the first stage, interviews with referrers to HACT and focus groups with patients with asthma who participated in or completed HACT were conducted. The data were then analyzed thematically. On the basis of these results, a questionnaire was developed. In the second stage of the study, this questionnaire, combined with the Asthma Control Questionnaire and the Individual Innovativeness Questionnaire, was provided to patients who completed HACT. Results: In total, 11 interviews and 3 focus groups (n=18, age 47.6, SD 12.1 years, Asthma Control Questionnaire score 2.6, SD 1.0) were conducted. A total of 3 themes were identified: potential goals, useful measurements, and perceived barriers and facilitators. The questionnaire developed in stage 2 included items based on these results. The most agreed-upon goal among the 52 patients who completed the questionnaire was to increase their asthma control (45/52, 86{\%} of the patients). Conclusions: Different patients reported that they would benefit the most from different functionalities. Therefore, it is important to tailor functionalities to individual (treatment) goals. When developing an mHealth intervention, it is important to allow personalization to avoid overwhelming the users. ", issn="2561-326X", doi="10.2196/26925", url="https://formative.www.mybigtv.com/2022/11/e26925", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/26925", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/36413384" }