@文章{信息:doi/10.2196/36782,作者=“Kenjrawi, Yazan和Dashash, Mayssoon”,标题=“叙利亚卫生人力的第一个异步在线循证医学课程:有效性和可行性试点研究”,期刊=“JMIR Form Res”,年=“2022”,月=“10”,日=“25”,卷=“6”,数=“10”,页=“e36782”,关键词=“循证医学;继续医学教育;基于网络的学习;叙利亚;医学毕业生;医学教育;基于网络的课程",摘要="背景:循证医学(EBM)对于提供经科学证明的最佳患者保健至关重要,它在世界范围内得到实施,以提高所提供保健的质量。然而,并非所有叙利亚卫生专业人员都了解循证医学的重要性、方法和实施。提供基于网络的循证医学学习课程可能有效地提高卫生保健专业人员的循证医学知识。目的:本研究旨在测试循证医学异步网络课程在提高叙利亚卫生保健专业人员循证医学能力方面的有效性和可行性。 Methods: A web-based course on EBM was developed in Arabic and uploaded onto the Syrian Virtual University platform. An electronic registration form was designed and distributed to medical groups on social media for registration to this web-based course. Both the pretest and posttest had the same 3 sections to measure the impact of this web-based EBM program on the knowledge, skills, and attitudes of the Syrian health care professionals. The posttest had an additional section for measuring the efficacy and ease of use of this program. Student paired 1-tailed t test was used to analyze the differences in the different assessment sections among the participants. Results: Nineteen participants filled the electronic registration form, but 8 participants did not meet the inclusion criteria. Therefore, the pretest was sent to the remaining 11 participants (7 men and 4 women) who graduated from Syrian universities. Ten of them completed the pretest, while 7 of them completed the posttest. The web-based course was found to be effective in improving the participants' EBM knowledge, skills, and attitudes at P>.05. Further, the web-based EBM course was feasible and easy-to-use. Conclusions: In order for EBM to be implemented in Syria, continuous medical education training programs should be designed for clinical practitioners. Our study shows that asynchronous web-based medical education is an effective and a feasible means for introducing the concept of EBM, improving practitioners' skills, and promoting the positive attitudes of Syrian clinical practitioners toward EBM. ", issn="2561-326X", doi="10.2196/36782", url="https://formative.www.mybigtv.com/2022/10/e36782", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/36782", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/36282556" }