@Article{info:doi/10.2196/31136,作者=“Ndeikoundam Ngangro, Ndeindo和Pioche, Corinne和Vaux, Sophie和Viriot, Delphine和Durand, Julien和Berat, B{\'e} dicte和Hamdaoui, Mohammed和Lot, Florence”,标题=“法国性传播感染诊所的自动监测系统(SurCeGGID):流行病学监测研究”,期刊=“JMIR Form Res”,年=“2022”,月=“10”,日=“25”,卷=“6”,数=“10”,页=“e31136”,关键词=“HIV;乙型肝炎;丙型肝炎;性病;性的健康;流行病学;背景:病毒性和细菌性传播感染是全世界关注的公共卫生问题,但在大多数国家,监测系统不够全面,无法设计和准确监测性传播感染控制战略。2016年,法国设立了320家性传播感染诊所(法语为CeGIDDs),主要针对最易感染人群,尽管任何人都可以免费获得。目的:介绍基于CeGIDD个人数据的强制性监测系统(SurCeGIDD),旨在更好地指导性传播感染的预防。方法:颁布法令,确保使用软件管理CeGIDDs的会诊和传输监测数据。 A web service was implemented to secure data transfer from CeGIDDs' software to a centralized database. CeGIDDs can also transfer data in CSV format via a secured data-sharing platform. Then, data are automatically checked before integration. Data on sociodemographic variables, sexual exposure, blood exposure, symptoms, STI tests, STI diagnoses, and sexual health services delivery were collected for the previous year (n--1). Preliminary and descriptive analyses of 2017-2018 data transmitted in 2018 and 2019, respectively, were performed using numbers and proportions for qualitative variables. Results: In 2017, 54/320 (16.9{\%}) CeGIDDs transmitted their data. In 2018, this number of participants increased to 143/320 (44.7{\%}) CeGIDDs. The corresponding volume of records increased from 2414 in 2017 to 382,890 in 2018. In 2018, most attendances were hospital based (263,480/382,890, 68.81{\%}). In 2018, attendees were mostly men 227,326/379,921 (59.84{\%}), while 151,963/379,921 (40{\%}) were women 632/379,921 (0.17{\%}) transgenders. The median age was 27 years for men, 23 years for women, and 30 years for transgender. Half of the attendees (81,964/174,932, 46.85{\%}) were heterosexual men, 69,016/174,932 (39.45{\%}) heterosexual women, 20,764/174,932 (11.87{\%}) men who have sex with men, and 3188/174,932 (1.82{\%}) women who have sex with women. A majority of them were born in France (227,698/286,289, 79.53{\%}) and unemployed 115,913/211,707 (54.75{\%}). The positivity rates were 0.37{\%} for 205,348 HIV serologies, 1.31{\%} for 131,551 hepatitis B virus serologies, 7.16{\%} for 161,241 Chlamydia trachomatis PCR, 2.83{\%} for 146,649 gonorrhea PCR, 1.04{\%} for the syphilis combination of treponema and nontreponema serologies, and 5.96{\%} for 13,313 Mycoplasma genitalium PCR. Conclusions: Despite challenges, the effectiveness of the SurCeGIDD surveillance based on routine patients' records was demonstrated. The wide range of information, including socioeconomic determinants, might help to better guide and evaluate the prevention policies and services delivery. However, the growing volumes of information will require adapted tools and algorithms for the data management and analyses. ", issn="2561-326X", doi="10.2196/31136", url="https://formative.www.mybigtv.com/2022/10/e31136", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/31136", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/36282557" }