@文章{信息:doi/10.2196/22809,作者=“Iacobelli, Francisco和Dragon, Ginger和Mazur, Giselle和Guitelman, Judith”,标题=“低文化水平的西班牙裔乳腺癌幸存者的基于网络的信息寻求行为:观察性初步研究”,期刊=“JMIR Form Res”,年=“2021”,月=“10月”,日=“27”,卷=“5”,数=“10”,页=“e22809”,关键词=“低文化水平;健康知识;在线搜索;西班牙裔乳腺癌幸存者”,摘要=“背景:互联网搜索是寻求健康信息的有用工具,可以使文化水平低的人群受益。然而,文化水平低的西班牙裔乳腺癌幸存者通常不会在网上搜索健康信息。对于他们来说,搜索的过程可能是令人沮丧的,因为打字时频繁的错误可能会导致误导性的搜索结果列表。这些人更喜欢使用语音(口述)进行搜索;然而,即使显示了适当的结果列表,由于写作的复杂性,文化水平较低的西班牙裔女性可能难以完全理解列表中的任何一篇文章。目的:这项观察性研究旨在探索和描述西班牙裔乳腺癌幸存者自己和他们的护理人员在网上搜索的行为,以及描述他们在网上处理健康信息时面临的挑战。方法:我们招募了7名西班牙裔女性乳腺癌幸存者。 They had the option to bring a caregiver. Of the 7 women, 3 (43{\%}) did, totaling 10 women. We administered the Health LiTT health literacy test, a demographic survey, and a breast cancer knowledge assessment. Next, we trained the participants to search on the web with either a keyboard or via voice. Then, they had to find information about 3 guided queries and 1 free-form query related to breast cancer. Participants were allowed to search in English or in Spanish. We video and audio recorded the computer activity of all participants and analyzed it. Results: We found web articles to be written for a grade level of 11.33 in English and 7.15 in Spanish. We also found that most participants preferred searching using voice but struggled with this modality. Pausing while searching via voice resulted in incomplete search queries, as it confused the search engine. At other times, background noises were detected and included in the search. We also found that participants formulated overly general queries to broaden the results list hoping to find more specific information. In addition, several participants considered their queries satisfied based on information from the snippets on the result lists alone. Finally, participants who spent more time reviewing articles scored higher on the health literacy test. Conclusions: Despite the problems of searching using speech, we found a preference for this modality, which suggests a need to avoid potential errors that could appear in written queries. We also found the use of general questions to increase the chances of answers to more specific concerns. Understanding search behaviors and information evaluation strategies for low-literacy Hispanic women survivors of breast cancer is fundamental to designing useful search interfaces that yield relevant and reliable information on the web. ", issn="2561-326X", doi="10.2196/22809", url="https://formative.www.mybigtv.com/2021/10/e22809", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/22809", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/34704952" }