%0期刊文章%@ 2371-4379 %I JMIR出版物%V 7% 卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析N 2% P e35664% T通知农村人群的随机对照试验:适应糖尿病自我管理教育和支持干预% a Oser,Tamara K % a Zittleman,Linda % a Curcija,Kristen % a Kwan,Bethany % a Burke,Shawnecca % a Gonzalez,Sindy % a Huss,Kelsey % a Johnson,Marilee % a Sanchez,Norah % a Neuberger,Julie % a Iacob,Eli % a Simonetti,Juliana % a Litchman,Michelle +科罗拉多大学医学院家庭医学系,东17大道12631号,Box F496, Aurora, CO, 80045,美国,1 303 724 2060,TAMARA.OSER@CUANSCHUTZ.EDU %K糖尿病%K自我管理%K糖尿病自我管理教育和支持(DSMES) %K农村健康%K训练营翻译(BCT) %K社区医学%D 2022 %7 10.6.2022 %9原创论文%J JMIR糖尿病%G英语%X背景:美国有超过3400万人患有糖尿病,每年诊断出150万人。糖尿病自我管理教育和支持(DSMES)是延缓或预防并发症治疗的重要组成部分。农村社区在获取DSMES方面面临许多独特的挑战,包括地理障碍和在文化上适应农村环境的DSMES项目的可用性。目的:训练营翻译(BCT)是一种基于社区的参与性研究的既定方法,用于将复杂的临床和科学信息转化为可理解的、有意义的、与社区成员和患者相关的概念、信息和材料。本研究旨在利用BCT对现有的DSMES项目进行调整,为讲英语和西班牙语的糖尿病患者提供农村初级保健服务。方法:高原研究网络(HPRN)社区咨询委员会(C.A.C.)与科罗拉多大学和犹他大学的研究人员合作,使用BCT来帮助翻译现有dsme项目中的医学术语和材料,称为“糖尿病一天(D1D)”。BCT由ccac在6个月的时间内召开的10次虚拟会议组成,其中包括15个不同的社区利益相关者。我们招募了讲英语和讲西班牙语双语的ccc成员,以反映改编后的课程将在农村社区实施的多样性。 Results: The BCT process guided adaptations to D1D for use in rural settings (R-D1D). R-D1D adaptations reflect both content and delivery to assure that the intervention is appropriate and likely to be accepted by rural English- and Spanish-speaking people with diabetes. Additionally, BCT informed the design of recruitment and program materials and identification of recruitment venues. During the BCT process, the importance of tailoring materials to reflect culture differences in English- and Spanish-speaking patients was identified. Conclusions: BCT was an effective strategy for academic researchers to partner with rural community members to adapt an existing DSMES intervention for delivery in rural areas to both English- and Spanish-speaking patients with diabetes. Through BCT, adaptations to recruitment materials and methods, program content and delivery, and supplemental materials were developed. The need to culturally adapt Spanish materials with input from stakeholders rather than simply translate materials into Spanish was highlighted. The importance of increasing awareness of the connection between diabetes and depression or diabetes distress, adaptations to include local foods, and the importance of the relationship between people with diabetes and their primary care practices were identified. %M 35687385 %R 10.2196/35664 %U https://diabetes.www.mybigtv.com/2022/2/e35664 %U https://doi.org/10.2196/35664 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/35687385